Recursive Circles Assignment

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We will recursively generate some images with the Racket Image Library.

Code To Investigate

Racket Image Library



Shrinking Circles

file: src/main/racket/recursive_circles/shrinking_to_the_right_circles.rkt Racket-logo.svg
functions: shrinking-to-the-right-circles
(shrinking-to-the-right-circles radius n)
  (raise 'not-yet-implemented #t))
Shrinking-to-the-right-circles 0.svg Shrinking-to-the-right-circles 1.svg Shrinking-to-the-right-circles 2.svg Shrinking-to-the-right-circles 3.svg Shrinking-to-the-right-circles 4.svg
n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Outside Circles

file: src/main/racket/recursive_circles/outside_circles.rkt Racket-logo.svg
functions: outside-circles
(outside-circles radius n)
  (raise 'not-yet-implemented #t))
Outside-circles 0.svg Outside-circles 1.svg Outside-circles 2.svg Outside-circles 3.svg Outside-circles 4.svg
n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4