Render Part C Assignment

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In this studio we will evolve our code from Render_Part_B_Assignment to add new methods and a new class.

Diagram part c.png

Continue editing files in the drawings directory.


Bounds Calculation

We will add support for calculating a bounding box for each of our drawable objects.

We will implement a BoundingBox class (via Struct, if desired) to store the min and max points of a box which bounds the object.

Transformable objects will split the responsibility into two methods, untransformed_bounds and bounds. On the subclasses the untransformed_bounds method will return its object's bounds in the same untransformed space that untransformed_render acts: that is, about its origin. On the Transform superclass, the bounds method will transform the untransformed_bounds by the x and y location (akin to how render transforms the affine matrix via glTranslate to transform the space untransformed_render operates in). The bounds method will not be able to rely on glTranslate. It will need to create a new transformed BoundingBox.

For example, an Ellipse created with an x_radius of 0.3, a y_radius of 0.4, an x location of 0.1, and a y location of 0.2 would produce an untransformed_bounds with a min of (-0.3, -0.4) and a max of (0.3, 0.4). The bounds calculation inherited from Transform would transform the untransformed bounds with the x and y locations, producing a bounding box with a min of (-0.2, -0.2) and a max of (0.4, 0.6).

Code to Implement


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/bounding_box.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: BoundingBox
superclass: Object
methods: initialize(min,max)

Note: be sure to require_relative 'point2'.

Note: min and max should be instances of Point2.

Note: You may wish to use Ruby's convenient Struct construct.


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/transform.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Transform
superclass: Object
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: move(direction,amount)
methods to remove: Ø


the move method will accept two parameters: direction and amount and change the x,y position as appropriate.

direction can be one of four symbols

left corresponds to translating along the negative x axis
right corresponds to translating along the positive x axis
down corresponds to translating along the negative y axis
up corresponds to translating along the positive y axis

any other value for direction should raise an ArgumentError.

Note: do NOT call glTranslate here. simply update your instance fields so that later when you are rendering, you will glTranslate the updated amounts.


invoke untransformed_bounds and transform the returned bounds by x and y.

NOTE: untransformed_bounds is abstract. it must be defined by the subclasses.


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/rectangle.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Rectangle
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Rectangle bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/ellipse.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Ellipse
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Ellipse bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/equilateral_triangle.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: EquilateralTriangle
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Equilateral triangle bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/bezier_curve.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: BezierCurve
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise an error and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def untransformed_bounds
    raise"not yet implemented")


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/text.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Text
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise an error and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def untransformed_bounds
    raise"not yet implemented")


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/circular_segment.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: CircularSegment
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise an error and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def untransformed_bounds
    raise"not yet implemented")


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/image.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Image
superclass: Transform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise an error and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def untransformed_bounds
    raise"not yet implemented")


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/composite_transform.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: CompositeTransform
superclass: Transform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: untransformed_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Composite transform bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/scene.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Scene
superclass: Object
methods to evolve: bounds()
methods to add: Ø
methods to remove: Ø


NOTE: this method must be public.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Scene bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/drawings/convex_polygon.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: ConvexPolygon
superclass: ColorTransform
methods: initialize(points, x: 0, y: 0, color: nil)

Note: You will need to add this file. Starter code:

require_relative 'color_transform'
require_relative 'point2'

class ConvexPolygon < ColorTransform


if __FILE__ == $0
  require_relative '../core/render_app'
  points = [, 0.0),, 0.25),, 0.45),, 0.7),, 1.0),, 0.95),, 0.75)
  app =, x: -0.5, y: -0.5, color:, 0, 0)))


Accept a required parameter points which is an array of Point2s.

Accept keyword parameters for x: 0, y: 0, and color: nil to the constructor and pass them to the superclass.

NOTE: Be sure to not override render. Implement the render_transformed method instead.


NOTE: this method must be private.


NOTE: this method must be private.

bounding box decoration rendering

Note: the bounding box and minimum and maximum points are only for demonstration here. The should not be drawn in your solution.

Convex polygon bounds.png

file to run: src/main/ruby/drawings/convex_polygon.rb Ruby logo.svg

Render convex polygon.png

Testing Your Solution

Unit Test

Part C

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_c/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/more_comprehensive/part_c/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

Backwards Compatibility

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_b/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_a/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

Visual Comparison

file to run: src/main/ruby/drawings_snapshots/part_c_snapshots_web_page_generator.rb Ruby logo.svg

Somewhat Outdated Testing Demo