MUPL Programs Assignment
Revision as of 15:54, 8 July 2019 by Dennis.cosgrove (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Easing into writing MUPL map. =Code to Implement= ==mupl-double== <nowiki>; racket version for reference (define (racket-double n) (+ n n)) ; mupl-double return a mupl-funct...")
Easing into writing MUPL map.
Code to Implement
; racket version for reference (define (racket-double n) (+ n n)) ; mupl-double return a mupl-function which doubles its mupl-int argument (define mupl-double 'not-yet-implemented)
; racket version for reference (define (racket-sum-curry a) (lambda (b) (+ a b))) ; mupl-sum-curry return a mupl-function which returns a mupl-function which adds the two mupl-function's mupl-int arguments together (define mupl-sum-curry 'not-yet-implemented)
; racket version for reference (define (racket-map-one proc) (proc 1)) ; mupl-map-one: return a mupl-function that invoks the mupl-function passed in with the mupl-int argument 1 (define mupl-map-one 'not-yet-implemented)