Closest To Origin Assignment
The distance to the origin for a point (x, y) is:
Is the sqrt required when comparing two points to see which is closest to the origin or can you just determine which point's squared distance is closer?
Basis Library
Code to Implement
file: | src/main/sml/closest_to_origin/closest_to_origin.sml | |
functions: | closest_to_origin |
Write a function
fun closest_to_origin(xys : (real*real) list) : (real*real) option =
which returns closest point to the origin, if it exists.
source folder: | src/test/sml/closest_to_origin |
how to run with CM.make verbosity off: | sml -Ccm.verbose=false closest_to_origin.sml |
how to run with CM.make verbosity on: | sml closest_to_origin.sml |
note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.