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This function is much like filter, only instead of deftly removing the nodes which do not pass the predicate, it lops off the entire subtree of those nodes which do not pass the predicate.
  fun filter_civil_war_style (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree =  
  fun filter_civil_war_style (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree =  

Revision as of 05:09, 22 February 2020

We will implement a binary search tree data structure as well as a few Higher Order Function Hall of Fame inductees.



SML's General structure's order

datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER

Values of type order are used when comparing elements of a type that has a linear ordering.


We will implement some of the higher ordered functions list provides on our binary tree.

traversal order

LNR would produce: ABCDEFGHI
RNL would produce: IHGFEDCBA

In-order LNR

Reverse in-order RNL

 datatype traversal_order = LNR | RNL


file: src/main/sml/binary_tree/binary_tree.sml Smlnj-logo.png
functions: insert
datatype 'a tree = LEAF | BRANCH of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree



note: this function is curried.

fun insert (compare_function:(('a * 'a) -> order)) (t:'a tree) (item:'a) : 'a tree = 
    raise NotYetImplemented


note: this function is curried.

fun remove (equal_less_greater_function:'a -> order) (t:'a tree) : 'a tree =
    raise NotYetImplemented


reference: List.find

note: this function is curried.

fun find (equal_less_greater_function : 'a -> order) (t:'a tree) : 'a option = 
    raise NotYetImplemented



This function is useful for find_order_hof and fold_order_hof.

It simply returns the left and right tree as a 2-tuple in the appropriate order based on the specified traversal_order.

fun to_first_and_last(order:traversal_order, left:'a tree, right:'a tree) =
    raise NotYetImplemented


reference: List.find

Instead of a binary search style find, here we create a find based on a traversal order and a predicate. It returns the first item node value it encounters which passes the predicate function.

note: this function is curried.

fun find_order_hof (order:traversal_order) (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option =
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun find_lnr (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option = 
   find_order_hof LNR predicate t
fun find_rnl (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option = 
   find_order_hof RNL predicate t


reference: List.foldl

note: this function is curried.

fun fold_order_hof (order:traversal_order) (f : 'a * 'b -> 'b) (init : 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b = 
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun fold_lnr f init t = 
   fold_order_hof LNR f init t
fun fold_rnl f init t = 
   fold_order_hof RNL f init t

filter (Not Required)

reference: List.filter

note: this function is curried.

fun filter (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree = 
    raise NotYetImplemented


This function is much like filter, only instead of deftly removing the nodes which do not pass the predicate, it lops off the entire subtree of those nodes which do not pass the predicate.

note: this function is curried.

fun filter_civil_war_style (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree = 
    raise NotYetImplemented


reference: List.map note: this function is curried.

 fun map_to_tree_of_questionable_validity (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b tree = 
    raise NotYetImplemented

map_to_tree_hof (Not Required)

note: this function is curried.

fun map_to_tree_hof (order:traversal_order) (compare_function:(('b * 'b) -> order)) (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b tree =
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun map_to_tree_lnr compare_function f t = 
   map_to_tree_hof LNR compare_function f t
fun map_to_tree_rnl compare_function f t = 
   map_to_tree_hof RNL compare_function f t

map_to_list_hof (Not Required)

note: this function is curried.

fun map_to_list_hof (order:traversal_order) (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b list =
   raise NotYetImplemented
fun map_to_list_lnr f t = 
   map_to_list_hof LNR f t
fun map_to_list_rnl f t = 
   map_to_list_hof RNL f t


file: src/main/sml/binary_tree/apps_using_binary_tree.sml Smlnj-logo.png
functions: max_height


fun max_height(t : 'a BinaryTree.tree) : int = 
 	raise NotYetImplemented


fun sum_int_tree(t : int BinaryTree.tree) : int =
 	raise NotYetImplemented


file: unit_test_binary_tree_and_apps.sml
source folder: src/test/sml/binary_tree

Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations

file: studio-binary-tree-pledge-acknowledgments-citations.txt

More info about the Honor Pledge