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Labs come with a list of JUnit tests to help guide students past common problems.  Passing all of the tests does not guarantee anything when it comes to a grade on the assignment.  Labs are read by the instructors.  Students are provided feedback and given an initial grade.  Students then have a week from that feedback to turn in revisions which will then be reviewed and given a final grade.
Labs come with a bare minimum of tests.  Passing these tests does not guarantee anything when it comes to a grade on the assignment.  Labs are read by the instructors.  Students are provided feedback and given an initial grade.  Students then have a week from that feedback to turn in revisions which will then be reviewed and given a final grade.

Revision as of 01:50, 9 June 2019

Welcome to the wiki for CSE 425s Programming Languages at Washington University in St. Louis.


Click here to visit the course calendar.

Class Policies

Academic Integrity

This is not a group project course. You are expected to complete all assignments independently.

Any act of dishonesty (e.g. cheating, lying) will be referred to the Dean's office in Engineering Student Services.

If found in violation, the student will receive an F in the course and a permanent mark on his or her record.

There is no statute of limitations for academic integrity violations. If a violation is later discovered after the completion of the course or even graduation, an F will be retroactively applied (even if it means that the offending student's degree would be revoked).

See the Undergraduate Student Academic Integrity Policy for a non-exhaustive list. If in doubt ask the Professor for clarification.

NOTE: Withdrawing from the course will not prevent the academic integrity officer or hearing panel from adjudicating the case, imposing sanctions, or recommending grade penalties, including a failing grade in the course.

While it's policies may or may not be different, CSE 131 has some general advice on academic integrity.

Honor Pledge

You will be required to fill out a pledge, acknowledgements, and citations file for each assignment. To be clear: failure to fill out this pledge will not save you from an academic integrity violation.

Example Pledge (which you are free to use):

On my honor as a student, the work I am submitting is mine own. It was created within the acceptable bounds of this course.


You are expected to attend class (on both Tuesdays and Thursdays) and you will lose points if you fail to show up more than three times. We take attendance using either clicker questions or in-class quizzes.

S&Q Forms

There will usually be a Synthesis and Question form due before every class. We expect you to complete these before class begins. Like attendance, you will only be penalized after missing more than three S&Q forms. If you fail to turn these in on time for class, you can still receive 70% credit by turning them in by 11:59PM Central on Friday.


Labs come with a bare minimum of tests. Passing these tests does not guarantee anything when it comes to a grade on the assignment. Labs are read by the instructors. Students are provided feedback and given an initial grade. Students then have a week from that feedback to turn in revisions which will then be reviewed and given a final grade.


Studios are usually but not always graded automatically by how well they passes their test suites.

Studios can receive up to 70% credit up to a week after they are due.

It should go without saying that any dishonest effort to pass the tests without solving the problem would be an academic integrity violation.

Grading breakdown