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Compare implementations in Java and SML to highlight what pattern matching provides.
Compare implementations in Java and SML to highlight the crispness of type inference and pattern matching.
=Previous Warmup=
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem Pythagorean theorem]
The distance of a point (x,y) from the origin:
<math>distance = \sqrt {x^2 + y^2}</math>
[https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/math.html#SIG:MATH.sqrt:VAL Math.sqrt(x)]
[https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/math.html#SIG:MATH.sqrt:VAL Math.sqrt(x)]
Line 31: Line 24:
Fall 2022 Note: if attempted without pattern matching, you may receive an unresolved flex record error:
../../../main/sml/warmup_sum_distances_to_origin/sum_distances_to_origin.sml:4.2-21.56 Error: unresolved flex record (need to know the names of ALL the fields
in this context)
  type: {1:real, 2:real; 'Z}
this can be solved by using pattern matching or specifying the type of the parameter xys:
fun sum_distances_to_origin(xys : (real * real) list)
[https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/math.html#SIG:MATH.sqrt:VAL Math.sqrt(v)]
[https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/math.html#SIG:MATH.sqrt:VAL Math.sqrt(v)]
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Revision as of 02:23, 9 September 2022


Compare implementations in Java and SML to highlight the crispness of type inference and pattern matching.

Previous Warmup







Code To Implement


Note: you will need to complete the ImList<E> exercise before testing the Java portion of this assignment.

class: SumDistancesToOrigin.java Java.png
methods: sumDistancesToOrigin
package: distance.warmup
source folder: src/main/java


public static double sumDistancesToOrigin(ImList<ImTuple2<Double, Double>> xys)


file: src/main/sml/warmup_sum_distances_to_origin_pattern/sum_distances_to_origin.sml Smlnj-logo.png
functions: sum_distances_to_origin


fun sum_distances_to_origin(xys : (real * real) list)



class: SumDistancesToOriginTestSuite.java Junit.png
package: distance.warmup
source folder: src/test/java


source folder: src/test/sml/warmup_sum_distances_to_origin_pattern
how to run with CM.make verbosity off: sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_sum_distances_to_origin_testing.sml
how to run with CM.make verbosity on: sml run_sum_distances_to_origin_testing.sml

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

SML Error Messages