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=Code To Implement=
=Code To Implement=
== scan ==
== scan ==
Note: this higher-order function is curried.
fun scan operation xs
== scan op+ ==
== scan op+ ==

Revision as of 09:07, 16 February 2022


Previously, we have built sum_scan. This is a specific version of scan where the operation is +. We will build a higher-order function scan which takes an operation to apply, as well as a list.

Code To Implement

file: src/main/sml/warmup_scan/scan.sml Smlnj-logo.png
functions: scan


Note: this higher-order function is curried.

fun scan operation xs


scan op+

For example:

scan op+ [131,231,425]

would produce:

[131, 362, 787]
xs 131 231 425
scan op+ xs 131 362 787

scan op*

For example:

scan op* [131,231,425]

would produce:

[131, 30261, 12860925]
xs 131 231 425
scan op* xs 131 30261 12860925
