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=Testing Your Solution=
=Testing Your Solution=
==Visual Comparison==
==Unit Test==
==Unit Test==
Ensure that all of the tests in the <code>src/test/ruby/render/part_c</code> and <code>src/test/ruby/render/part_b_composite_transform_scene</code>directories are passing.
Note: <code>part_b_composite_transform_scene</code> was not tested in [[Render Part C Assignment]]
Additionally, ensure that you are backwards compatible by checking the previous render studio tests.
==Visual Comparison==
===Bare Bones===

Revision as of 05:36, 8 December 2020

In this studio we will evolve our code from Render_Part_B_Assignment to add new methods and a new class.

Render part c class hierarchy.svg

Continue editing files in the render/assignment directory.

Code to Implement


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/bounds.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Bounds
superclass: Object
methods: initialize(min,max)

Note: min and max should be instances of Point2.

Note: You may wish to use Ruby's convenient Struct construct.


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/transform.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Transform
superclass: Object
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: move(direction,amount)
methods to remove: Ø


the move method will accept two parameters: direction and amount.

direction can be one of four symbols

left corresponds to translating along the negative x axis
right corresponds to translating along the positive x axis
down corresponds to translating along the negative y axis
up corresponds to translating along the positive y axis

any other value for direction should raise an ArgumentError.


invoke calculate_local_bounds and transform the returned bounds by x and y.

NOTE: calculate_local_bounds is abstract. it must be defined by the subclasses.


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/rectangle.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Rectangle
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

Rectangle bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/ellipse.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Ellipse
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

Ellipse bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/equilateral_triangle.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: EquilateralTriangle
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

Equilateral triangle bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/bezier_curve.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: BezierCurve
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise :not_yet_implemented and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def calculate_local_bounds
    raise :not_yet_implemented


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/text.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Text
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise :not_yet_implemented and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def calculate_local_bounds
    raise :not_yet_implemented


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/chord.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Chord
superclass: ColorTransform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise :not_yet_implemented and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def calculate_local_bounds
    raise :not_yet_implemented


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/image.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Image
superclass: Transform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Contemplate for a moment how you would build this method and then raise :not_yet_implemented and move on.

NOTE: this method must be private.

  def calculate_local_bounds
    raise :not_yet_implemented


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/composite_transform.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: CompositeTransform
superclass: Transform
methods to evolve: Ø
methods to add: calculate_local_bounds
methods to remove: Ø


Returns an instance of Bounds specified by min and max instances of Point2.

NOTE: this method must be private.

Composite transform bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/scene.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: Scene
superclass: Object
methods to evolve: calculate_bounds()
methods to add: Ø
methods to remove: Ø


NOTE: this method must be public.

Scene bounds.png


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/convex_polygon.rb Ruby logo.svg
class: ConvexPolygon
superclass: ColorTransform
methods: initialize(points, x: 0, y: 0, color: nil)


Accept a required parameter points which is an array of Point2s.

Accept keyword parameters for x: 0, y: 0, and color: nil to the constructor and pass them to the superclass.

NOTE: Be sure to not override render. Implement the render_transformed method instead.


NOTE: this method must be private.


NOTE: this method must be private.

Convex polygon bounds.png

file to run: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/convex_polygon.rb Ruby logo.svg

Render convex polygon.png

Testing Your Solution

Unit Test

Ensure that all of the tests in the src/test/ruby/render/part_c and src/test/ruby/render/part_b_composite_transform_scenedirectories are passing.

Note: part_b_composite_transform_scene was not tested in Render Part C Assignment

Additionally, ensure that you are backwards compatible by checking the previous render studio tests.

Visual Comparison

Bare Bones

file to run: src/test/ruby/render/part_c_bare_bones_image_diff/part_c_bare_bones_web_page_generator.rb Ruby logo.svg


file to run: src/test/ruby/render/part_c_complete_image_diff/part_c_complete_web_page_generator.rb Ruby logo.svg