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For your MUPL programs you should be constructing MUPL abstract syntax trees out of the MUPL structs provided by Prof. Grossman.  The result of each program is a MUPL function comprised of MUPL expressions and the occasional string, int, and boolean constant (e.g. "fred", 42, #f) which the MUPL structs require.
For your MUPL programs you should be constructing MUPL abstract syntax trees out of the MUPL structs provided by Prof. Grossman.  The result of each program is a MUPL function comprised of MUPL expressions and the occasional string, int, and boolean constant (e.g. "fred", 42, #f) which the MUPL structs require.
NOTE: you should NOT use the closure struct as it is not a MUPL expression.  It is a MUPL value.

Revision as of 20:02, 21 November 2020

Warning icon.svg WARNING: Do NOT attempt until you have completed Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the MUPL Lab.


Writing a curried, higher order function as your first MUPL program seems a bit steep. This studio is designed to be done after parts 1, 2, and 3 of the MUPL Lab, but before you attempt to write mupl-map.

Code to Implement

For your MUPL programs you should be constructing MUPL abstract syntax trees out of the MUPL structs provided by Prof. Grossman. The result of each program is a MUPL function comprised of MUPL expressions and the occasional string, int, and boolean constant (e.g. "fred", 42, #f) which the MUPL structs require.

NOTE: you should NOT use the closure struct as it is not a MUPL expression. It is a MUPL value.


; racket version for reference
(define (racket-double n) (+ n n))
; mupl-double return a mupl-function which doubles its mupl-int argument
(define mupl-double


; racket version for reference
(define (racket-sum-curry a) (lambda (b) (+ a b)))
; mupl-sum-curry return a mupl-function which returns a mupl-function which adds the two mupl-function's mupl-int arguments together
(define mupl-sum-curry


; racket version for reference
(define (racket-map-one proc) (proc 1))
; mupl-map-one: return a mupl-function that invoks the mupl-function passed in with the mupl-int argument 1
(define mupl-map-one