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=Testing Your Solution=
=Testing Your Solution=
==Unit Test==
==Unit Test==
===Part D===
===Backwards Compatibility===
==Somewhat Outdated Testing Demo==
==Somewhat Outdated Testing Demo==

Revision as of 01:44, 8 December 2022

In this studio we will evolve our code from Render_Part_C_Assignment to leverage mixins.

Diagram part d.png

Continue editing files in the render/assignment directory.


Investigate Ruby Modules, specifically the module and include keywords.



Do NOT use the include keyword in Ruby as you would typically in C or C++.
Be sure to include within the intended class or module definition.
If you include at the top-level, it will mixin to Object!
This may or may not rip a hole in the universe.

Code to Implement


file: src/main/ruby/render/assignment/composite.rb Ruby logo.svg
module: Composite
methods: initialize_components()

module Composite should define methods initialize_components, push_component, each_component, and untransformed_bounds as well as mixin the Enumerable module.


add an instance variable with a suitable name to store an array of components

NOTE: initialize_components() must be private.


push a component onto your array instance variable.


if a block is given, yield for each component in your array instance variable.

otherwise use to_enum to return a new Enumerator of the components.

Note: be sure to invoke to_enum with the symbol of the method :each_component and not invoke the method by mistake.


Similar to the untransformed bounds calculations on CompositeTransform and Scene from Part C.

Mixin Enumerable

to add a number of useful methods, include the Enumerable module and

Alias each

use alias_method to alias an :each method to the :each_component method.


Be sure to add:

require_relative 'composite' Ruby logo.svg

Mixin your Composite module to the CompositeTransform class.

include Composite

Be sure to invoke initialize_components from the constructor and clean up existing code. For example bounds calculation can now use map.


Be sure to add:

require_relative 'composite' Ruby logo.svg

Mixin your Composite module to the Scene class.

include Composite

Be sure to invoke initialize_components from the constructor and clean up existing code. For example bounds calculation can now use map.

Testing Your Solution

Unit Test

Part D

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_d/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

Backwards Compatibility

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_c/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_b/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

file: src/test/ruby/drawings/preliminary/part_a/*.rb Ruby logo.svg UnitTest

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

Somewhat Outdated Testing Demo