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In this and the follow up [[Sorted_Dictionary_Assignment|Sorted Dictionary]] studio, you will build three implementations of a dictionary.  Each will be a persistent, mutable data structure, so you can expect to use the [http://sml-family.org/Basis/general.html#SIG:GENERAL.!:VAL ref] feature of SML, either directly or via the mutable [http://sml-family.org/Basis/array.html Array structure].
In this and the follow up [[Sorted_Dictionary_Assignment|Sorted Dictionary]] studio, you will build three implementations of a dictionary.  Each will be an immutable data structure.
[https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs312/2008sp/recitations/rec15.html Refs and Arrays]
==SML structure [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/option.html Option]==
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a
=Code To Investigate=
==signature Dictionary==
Note the [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/isml/book.pdf#subsection.18.1.2 include] in the DICTIONARY signature.
<nowiki>fun get_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref) : 'a =
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun set_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref, next_value : 'a) : 'a =
        val previous_value = !reference
        val _ = reference := next_value
(* alternate version
fun set_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref, next_value : 'a) : 'a =  
        val previous_value = !reference
        ( reference := next_value
        ; previous_value )
<nowiki>signature DICTIONARY = sig
     type (''k,'v) dictionary
     type (''k,'v) dictionary
    type ''k create_parameter_type
    val create : ''k create_parameter_type -> (''k,'v) dictionary
     val get : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> 'v option
     val get : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> 'v option
     val put : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k *'v) -> 'v option
     val put : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k *'v) -> (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option
     val remove : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> 'v option
     val remove : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option
     val entries : (''k,'v) dictionary -> (''k*'v) list
     val entries : (''k,'v) dictionary -> (''k*'v) list
     val keys : (''k,'v) dictionary -> ''k list
     val keys : (''k,'v) dictionary -> ''k list
     val values : (''k,'v) dictionary -> 'v list
     val values : (''k,'v) dictionary -> 'v list
Specific to each structure.  Creates an empty immutable Dictionary.
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#get-java.lang.Object- java.util.Map<K,V>'s get(key) method] except instead of returning null or the associated value, it returns an option.
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#get-java.lang.Object- java.util.Map<K,V>'s get(key) method] except instead of returning null or the associated value, it returns an option.
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#put-K-V- java.util.Map<K,V>'s put(key,value) method] except instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option.
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#put-K-V- java.util.Map<K,V>'s put(key,value) method] except  
# instead of mutating the provided dictionary, it returns an immutable updated dictionary.
# instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option of the previously associated value (along with the updated dictionary in a 2-tuple).
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#remove-java.lang.Object- java.util.Map<K,V>'s remove(key) method] except instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option.
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#remove-java.lang.Object- java.util.Map<K,V>'s remove(key) method] except instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option.
# instead of mutating the provided dictionary, it returns an immutable updated dictionary.
# instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option of the previously associated value (along with the updated dictionary in a 2-tuple).
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#entrySet-- java.util.Map<K,V>'s entrySet() method].
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#entrySet-- java.util.Map<K,V>'s entrySet() method].
Line 53: Line 49:
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#values-- java.util.Map<K,V>'s values() method].
Behaves much like [https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#values-- java.util.Map<K,V>'s values() method].
=Code To Implement=
All three implementations of dictionary can reuse the same functions which given a list of entries produce the keys and values.
==functor DictionaryFn==
Each implementation of dictionary can reuse the same functions which given a list of entries produce the keys and values.  <code>functor DictionaryFn</code> accepts a signature parameter which defines all of the necessary functions besides <code>keys</code> and <code>values</code>.  Critically, this includes the <code>entries</code> function which can be employed to support the <code>keys</code> and <code>values</code> functions.
One of [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html List]'s higher order functions can be useful here.  Which one is it?
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun keys(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : ''k list =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
One of [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html List]'s higher-order functions can be useful here.  Which one is it?
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun values(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : 'v list =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
==structure Chain==
Both the SingleChainedDictionary and the HashedDictionary will leverage chaining to deal with collisions.  A collision is where more than one (key, value) entry wants to be store in the same chain (a.k.a. list of (key, value) entries).  For the SingleChainedDictionary, every unique key will "collide" with every other one since all of them will be stored in the single chain of the ''SingleChained''Dictionary.  For the HashedDictionary, there should be fewer collisions since there will be a multiple chains to spread the load, but handling collisions should be similar to the SingleChainedDictionary once the appropriate chain is determined.
We implement structure Chain so we can use the code in both SingleChainedDictionary and HashedDictionary.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
signature CHAIN = sig
val get : (''k*'v) list * ''k -> 'v option
val put : (''k*'v) list * ''k * 'v -> ((''k*'v) list * 'v option)
val remove : (''k*'v) list * ''k -> ((''k*'v) list * 'v option)
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun get(chain : (''k*'v) list, key:''k) : 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun put(chain : (''k*'v) list, key:''k, value:'v) : (''k*'v) list * 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun remove(chain : (''k*'v) list, key : ''k) : (''k*'v) list * 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
==structure SingleChainedDictionary==
One can imagine the utility of having a simple Dictionary without the overhead of a HashTable.  Perhaps, the number of anticipated entries is small.  Perhaps, its performance is not critical.  Maybe the client wants to use a mutable key which would create an invalid HashedDictionary.  Whatever the reason, it seems like a reasonable and straightforward implementation of Dictionary to provide.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
structure SingleChainedDictionary = DictionaryFn(struct
    (* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
    type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit
    type ''k create_parameter_type = unit
    fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
===type dictionary===
Change the definition of <nowiki>type (''k,'v) dictionary</nowiki> to support SingleChainedDictionary.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
(* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit
===type create_parameter_type===
Leave create_parameter_type unchanged.  SingleChainedDictionary's create method accepts no parameters, so unit is the correct type.
One of [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html List's] higher order functions can be useful here.  Which one is it?
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
type ''k create_parameter_type = unit
=== create function ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
<nowiki>fun entries_to_keys(entries : (''k*'v) list) : ''k list =  
=== get ===
    raise NotYetImplemented
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option =  
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
fun entries_to_values(entries : (''k*'v) list) : 'v list =
remember to use the Chain structure.
    raise NotYetImplemented</nowiki>
=ListOfEntries (Optional But Encouraged)=
=== put ===
While it is not required, both the SingleList and Hashtable implementations will have a lot of overlap.  Building the common functionality will allow you to reuse this code.  Further, some students have reported the separation helping with wrangling the references in the dictionaries.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
remember to use the Chain structure.
    fun list_get(entries : (''k*'v) list, key : ''k) : 'v option =
        raise NotYetImplemented
    fun list_put(entries : (''k*'v) list, key : ''k, value : 'v) : 'v option * (''k * 'v) list=
=== remove ===
        raise NotYetImplemented
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun list_remove(entries : (''k*'v) list, key : ''k) : 'v option * (''k * 'v) list =
remember to use the Chain structure.
        raise NotYetImplemented</nowiki>
=== entries ===
Define the entries method so we can take advantage of the <code>keys</code> and <code>values</code> functions you implemented on <code>functor DictionaryFn</code>.
'''NOTE: You may change this file.  For example, if you decide to go with a mutable key-value pair for your single-list and hash dictionaries, feel free to change this module to match what you need.'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
=SingleList Implementation=
==structure HashedDictionary==
<nowiki>signature SINGLE_LIST_DICTIONARY = sig include DICTIONARY
    val create : unit -> (''k,'v) dictionary
====Abstract Data Type====
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table HashTable on Wikipedia]
=Hashtable Implementation=
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table Hash table]
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table Hash table]
====SML structure [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html Vector]====
# [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html#SIG:VECTOR.tabulate:VAL tabulate]  <code>: int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a vector</code>
# [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html#SIG:VECTOR.length:VAL length]  <code>: 'a vector -> int</code>
# [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html#SIG:VECTOR.sub:VAL sub]  <code>: a vector * int -> 'a</code>
# [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html#SIG:VECTOR.update:VAL update]  <code>: 'a vector * int * 'a -> 'a vector</code>
# [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/vector.html#SIG:VECTOR.foldl:VAL foldl]  <code>: ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b</code>
=== shell ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
structure HashedDictionary = DictionaryFn(struct
    type ''k hash_function = ''k -> int
    (* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
    type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit
    type ''k create_parameter_type = (int * (''k hash_function))
    fun create(bucket_count_request : int, hash : ''k hash_function) : (''k,'v) dictionary =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun positive_remainder(v : int, n : int) : int =
            val result = v mod n
            if result >= 0 then result else result+n
    fun getChainForKey(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun updateChainForKey(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k, updater_function) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
[[File:Hash table 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 LL.svg]]
[[File:Hash table 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 LL.svg]]
[http://sml-family.org/Basis/array.html SML Array Structure]
===type dictionary===
Change the definition of <nowiki>type (''k,'v) dictionary</nowiki> to support HashedDictionary.
  <nowiki>signature HASHED_DICTIONARY = sig include DICTIONARY
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
    type ''k hash_function = ''k -> int
(* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
    val create_hashed : (int * ''k hash_function) -> (''k,'v) dictionary
type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit
===type create_parameter_type===
Leave create_parameter_type unchanged. HashedDictionary's create method accepts two parameters: an int for the requested bucket count and a hash_function.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
type ''k create_parameter_type = (int * (''k hash_function))
=== create ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
=== positive_remainder ===
Hash codes can be negative.  Vector indices cannot.  Use this function to ensure a valid index.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun positive_remainder(v : int, n : int) : int =
val result = v mod n
if result >= 0 then result else result+n
=== get ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
remember to use the Chain structure.
=== put ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
remember to use the Chain structure.
=== remove ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
remember to use the Chain structure.
=== entries ===
Define the entries method so we can take advantage of the <code>keys</code> and <code>values</code> functions you implemented on <code>functor DictionaryFn</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
file: <code>sml renovated_unit_test_single_list_and_hashed.sml</code>
in folder: <code>src/test/sml/dictionary/single_list_and_hashed</code>
=Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations=
=Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations=

Latest revision as of 19:35, 14 July 2023


In this and the follow up Sorted Dictionary studio, you will build three implementations of a dictionary. Each will be an immutable data structure.


SML structure Option

datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a

Code To Investigate

signature Dictionary

Note the include in the DICTIONARY signature.

    type (''k,'v) dictionary
    type ''k create_parameter_type
    val create : ''k create_parameter_type -> (''k,'v) dictionary
    val get : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> 'v option
    val put : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k *'v) -> (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option
    val remove : ((''k,'v) dictionary *''k) -> (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option
    val entries : (''k,'v) dictionary -> (''k*'v) list

    val keys : (''k,'v) dictionary -> ''k list
    val values : (''k,'v) dictionary -> 'v list


Specific to each structure. Creates an empty immutable Dictionary.


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s get(key) method except instead of returning null or the associated value, it returns an option.


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s put(key,value) method except

  1. instead of mutating the provided dictionary, it returns an immutable updated dictionary.
  2. instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option of the previously associated value (along with the updated dictionary in a 2-tuple).


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s remove(key) method except instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option.

  1. instead of mutating the provided dictionary, it returns an immutable updated dictionary.
  2. instead of returning null or the previously associated value, it returns an option of the previously associated value (along with the updated dictionary in a 2-tuple).


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s entrySet() method.


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s keySet() method.


Behaves much like java.util.Map<K,V>'s values() method.

Code To Implement

functor DictionaryFn

Each implementation of dictionary can reuse the same functions which given a list of entries produce the keys and values. functor DictionaryFn accepts a signature parameter which defines all of the necessary functions besides keys and values. Critically, this includes the entries function which can be employed to support the keys and values functions.


One of List's higher order functions can be useful here. Which one is it?

fun keys(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : ''k list = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


One of List's higher-order functions can be useful here. Which one is it?

fun values(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : 'v list = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

structure Chain

Both the SingleChainedDictionary and the HashedDictionary will leverage chaining to deal with collisions. A collision is where more than one (key, value) entry wants to be store in the same chain (a.k.a. list of (key, value) entries). For the SingleChainedDictionary, every unique key will "collide" with every other one since all of them will be stored in the single chain of the SingleChainedDictionary. For the HashedDictionary, there should be fewer collisions since there will be a multiple chains to spread the load, but handling collisions should be similar to the SingleChainedDictionary once the appropriate chain is determined.

We implement structure Chain so we can use the code in both SingleChainedDictionary and HashedDictionary.

signature CHAIN = sig
	val get : (''k*'v) list * ''k -> 'v option
	val put : (''k*'v) list * ''k * 'v -> ((''k*'v) list * 'v option)
	val remove : (''k*'v) list * ''k -> ((''k*'v) list * 'v option)


fun get(chain : (''k*'v) list, key:''k) : 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun put(chain : (''k*'v) list, key:''k, value:'v) : (''k*'v) list * 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun remove(chain : (''k*'v) list, key : ''k) : (''k*'v) list * 'v option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

structure SingleChainedDictionary

One can imagine the utility of having a simple Dictionary without the overhead of a HashTable. Perhaps, the number of anticipated entries is small. Perhaps, its performance is not critical. Maybe the client wants to use a mutable key which would create an invalid HashedDictionary. Whatever the reason, it seems like a reasonable and straightforward implementation of Dictionary to provide.

structure SingleChainedDictionary = DictionaryFn(struct
    (* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
    type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit

    type ''k create_parameter_type = unit
    fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary = 
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option = 
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
    fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


Single chained dictionary.svg

type dictionary

Change the definition of type (''k,'v) dictionary to support SingleChainedDictionary.

(* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit

type create_parameter_type

Leave create_parameter_type unchanged. SingleChainedDictionary's create method accepts no parameters, so unit is the correct type.

type ''k create_parameter_type = unit

create function

fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


Define the entries method so we can take advantage of the keys and values functions you implemented on functor DictionaryFn.

fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

structure HashedDictionary


Abstract Data Type

HashTable on Wikipedia

Hash table

SML structure Vector

  1. tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a vector
  2. length : 'a vector -> int
  3. sub : a vector * int -> 'a
  4. update : 'a vector * int * 'a -> 'a vector
  5. foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b


structure HashedDictionary = DictionaryFn(struct
    type ''k hash_function = ''k -> int

    (* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
    type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit

    type ''k create_parameter_type = (int * (''k hash_function))

    fun create(bucket_count_request : int, hash : ''k hash_function) : (''k,'v) dictionary = 
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun positive_remainder(v : int, n : int) : int = 
            val result = v mod n 
            if result >= 0 then result else result+n

    fun getChainForKey(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun updateChainForKey(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k, updater_function) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option = 
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

    fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
        raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


Hash table 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 LL.svg

type dictionary

Change the definition of type (''k,'v) dictionary to support HashedDictionary.

(* TODO: replace unit with the type you decide upon *)
type (''k,'v) dictionary = unit

type create_parameter_type

Leave create_parameter_type unchanged. HashedDictionary's create method accepts two parameters: an int for the requested bucket count and a hash_function.

type ''k create_parameter_type = (int * (''k hash_function))


fun create() : (''k,'v) dictionary = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


Hash codes can be negative. Vector indices cannot. Use this function to ensure a valid index.

fun positive_remainder(v : int, n : int) : int = 
		val result = v mod n 
		if result >= 0 then result else result+n


fun get(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : 'v option = 
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


fun put(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k , value : 'v) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


fun remove(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary, key : ''k) : (''k,'v) dictionary * 'v option =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

remember to use the Chain structure.


Define the entries method so we can take advantage of the keys and values functions you implemented on functor DictionaryFn.

fun entries(dict : (''k,'v) dictionary) : (''k*'v) list =
	raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


source folder: src/test/sml/dictionary/chained
how to run with CM.make verbosity off: sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_chained_testing.sml
how to run with CM.make verbosity on: sml run_chained_testing.sml

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

SML Error Messages

Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations

file: exercise-chained-dictionary-pledge-acknowledgments-citations.txt

More info about the Honor Pledge