Difference between revisions of "Mutable List Assignment"

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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
=Code to Implement=
=Code to Implement=
  <nowiki>(* TODO: replace unit with the datatype/type synonym(s) you decide upon *)
  <nowiki>(* TODO: replace unit with the datatype/type synonym(s) you decide upon *)
type 'a mutable_list = unit</nowiki>
type 'a mutable_list = unit</nowiki>
NOTE: type synonyms do NOT support self-reference.
<nowiki>datatype parrot = PARTY | SHUFFLE | PORTAL_BLUE_LEFT | PORTAL_ORANGE_RIGHT</nowiki>
  <nowiki>val construct_empty = fn : unit -> 'a mutable_list
  <nowiki>val construct_empty = fn : unit -> 'a mutable_list
val length = fn : 'a mutable_list -> int
val length = fn : 'a mutable_list -> int
Line 20: Line 31:
val reverse = fn : 'a mutable_list -> unit</nowiki>
val reverse = fn : 'a mutable_list -> unit</nowiki>
  fun construct_empty() : 'a mutable_list =  
  fun construct_empty() : 'a mutable_list =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun length(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : int =  
  fun length(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : int =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.length:VAL List.length].
Functionally analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.length:VAL List.length], but with O(1) performance.
  fun clear(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
  fun clear(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun add_to_front(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
  fun add_to_front(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Line 40: Line 51:
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.:::TY ::].
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.:::TY ::].
  fun add_to_back(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
  fun add_to_back(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun contains(predicate : ('a -> bool), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : bool =
  fun contains(predicate : ('a -> bool), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : bool =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  <nowiki>fun nth(mlist : 'a mutable_list, index : int) : 'a =  
  <nowiki>fun nth(mlist : 'a mutable_list, index : int) : 'a =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"</nowiki>
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"</nowiki>
Line 56: Line 67:
Note: raise [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/general.html#SIG:GENERAL.Subscript:EXN:SPEC Subscript] if out of bounds.
Note: raise [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/general.html#SIG:GENERAL.Subscript:EXN:SPEC Subscript] if out of bounds.
  fun construct_from_immutable(values : 'a list) : 'a mutable_list =  
  fun construct_from_immutable(values : 'a list) : 'a mutable_list =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun foldl(f : ('a * 'b -> 'b), init : 'b, mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b =  
  fun foldl(f : ('a * 'b -> 'b), init : 'b, mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Line 66: Line 77:
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.foldl:VAL List.foldl].
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.foldl:VAL List.foldl].
  fun to_immutable(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a list =  
  fun to_immutable(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a list =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun map(f : ('a -> 'b), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b mutable_list =
  fun map(f : ('a -> 'b), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b mutable_list =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Line 76: Line 87:
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.map:VAL List.map].
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.map:VAL List.map].
  fun copy(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a mutable_list =
  fun copy(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a mutable_list =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
  fun a @ b =  
  fun a @ b =  
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Line 88: Line 99:
Note: does NOT alias.
Note: does NOT alias.
  fun reverse(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
  fun reverse(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
     raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.rev:VAL List.rev]
Analogous to [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.rev:VAL List.rev]
fun remove_arbitrary(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a option =
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"
pick an arbitrary item in the mutable list and remove it.
return NONE if the mutable list is of length 0 and SOME of the removed item otherwise.
analogous to: nothing I can think of right now.
directory: src/main/sml/warmup_parrots/
sml print_slack_parrots.sml

Latest revision as of 03:19, 11 October 2022




fun get_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref) : 'a = 

fun set_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref, next_value : 'a) : 'a = 
        val previous_value = !reference
        val _ = reference := next_value

(* alternate version
fun set_value_at_reference(reference : 'a ref, next_value : 'a) : 'a = 
        val previous_value = !reference
        ( reference := next_value
        ; previous_value )

Code to Implement



(* TODO: replace unit with the datatype/type synonym(s) you decide upon *)
type 'a mutable_list = unit

NOTE: type synonyms do NOT support self-reference.




val construct_empty = fn : unit -> 'a mutable_list
val length = fn : 'a mutable_list -> int
val clear = fn : 'a mutable_list -> unit
val add_to_front = fn : 'a mutable_list * 'a -> unit
val add_to_back = fn : 'a mutable_list * 'a -> unit
val contains = fn : ('a -> bool) * 'a mutable_list -> bool
val nth = fn : 'a mutable_list * int -> 'a
val construct_from_immutable = fn : 'a list -> 'a mutable_list
val foldl = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a mutable_list -> 'b
val to_immutable = fn : 'a mutable_list -> 'a list
val map = fn : ('a -> 'b) * 'a mutable_list -> 'b mutable_list
val copy = fn : 'a mutable_list -> 'a mutable_list
val @ = fn : 'a mutable_list * 'a mutable_list -> 'a mutable_list
val reverse = fn : 'a mutable_list -> unit


fun construct_empty() : 'a mutable_list = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun length(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : int = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Functionally analogous to List.length, but with O(1) performance.


fun clear(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun add_to_front(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to ::.


fun add_to_back(mlist : 'a mutable_list, value : 'a) : unit =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun contains(predicate : ('a -> bool), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : bool =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun nth(mlist : 'a mutable_list, index : int) : 'a = 
    raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to List.nth.

Note: raise Subscript if out of bounds.


fun construct_from_immutable(values : 'a list) : 'a mutable_list = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun foldl(f : ('a * 'b -> 'b), init : 'b, mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to List.foldl.


fun to_immutable(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a list = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun map(f : ('a -> 'b), mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'b mutable_list =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to List.map.


fun copy(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a mutable_list =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"


fun a @ b = 
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to List.@.

Note: does NOT alias.


fun reverse(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : unit =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

Analogous to List.rev


fun remove_arbitrary(mlist : 'a mutable_list) : 'a option =
   raise Fail "NotYetImplemented"

pick an arbitrary item in the mutable list and remove it.

return NONE if the mutable list is of length 0 and SOME of the removed item otherwise.

analogous to: nothing I can think of right now.


source folder: src/test/sml/warmup_mutable_list
how to run with CM.make verbosity off: sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_mutable_list_testing.sml
how to run with CM.make verbosity on: sml run_mutable_list_testing.sml

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

SML Error Messages


directory: src/main/sml/warmup_parrots/

sml print_slack_parrots.sml