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to make use of the methods in the [https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.3/Enumerable.html Enumerable] module, use [https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/Module:alias_method alias_method] to alias an <code>:each</code> method to the <code>:each_component </code> method.
to add a number of useful methods, include the [https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.3/Enumerable.html Enumerable] module and use [https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/Module:alias_method alias_method] to alias an <code>:each</code> method to the <code>:each_component </code> method.

Revision as of 13:17, 3 August 2019

In this studio we will evolve our code from Render_Part_C_Assignment to leverage mixins.

Render part d class hierarchy.svg

Continue editing files in the render/assignment directory.

Code to Implement


module Composite should define methods push_component and each_component as well as include the Enumerable module.



if a block is given, yield for each component. otherwise return a new Enumerator of the components.


to add a number of useful methods, include the Enumerable module and use alias_method to alias an :each method to the :each_component method.


include Composite and clean up existing code.


include Composite and clean up existing code.