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We will implement a binary search tree data structure as well as a few Higher Order Function Hall of Fame inductees.
We will implement a binary search tree data structure as well as Higher Order Function Hall of Fame inductees: find and fold.
==student record example==
<nowiki>type course = (string*int)
type student = {first_name: string, last_name: string, wustl_key: string, bear_bucks: real, courses: course list}
val bst = BinarySearchTree.create_empty(String.compare, (fn(s:student) => (#wustl_key s)))
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Bruce", last_name="Wayne", wustl_key="wayne.b", bear_bucks=999999.99, courses=[("Business", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Peter", last_name="Parker", wustl_key="webslinger", bear_bucks=12.34, courses=[("Biology", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Diana", last_name="Prince", wustl_key="amazon_diana", bear_bucks=234.56, courses=[("Anthropology", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Clark", last_name="Kent", wustl_key="i.m.superman", bear_bucks=34.56, courses=[("Journalism", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Bruce", last_name="Banner", wustl_key="gamma.ray", bear_bucks=456.78, courses=[("Physics", 101)]})</nowiki>
[[File:Bst example supers.svg]]
==student record example with int as key==
type student = {id: int, name: string, major: department}
val bst = BinarySearchTree.create_empty(Int.compare, fn(s:student) => #id s)
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401936, name="Tennessee Williams", major=ENGLISH})
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401927, name="Charles Eams", major=ARCHITECTURE})
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401991, name="Rochelle Walensky", major=BIOCHEMISTRY})</nowiki>
[[File:Bst example students.svg]]
SML's General structure's [http://sml-family.org/Basis/general.html#SIG:GENERAL.order:TY order]
SML's General structure's [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/general.html#SIG:GENERAL.order:TY order]
datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
Values of type order are used when comparing elements of a type that has a linear ordering.
Values of type order are used when comparing elements of a type that has a linear ordering.
Functions which take (('k * 'k) -> order) functions behave as [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/integer.html#SIG:INTEGER.compare:VAL Int.compare] does:
: compare (i, j)
:: returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER when i is less than, equal to, or greater than j, respectively.
We will implement some of the higher ordered functions [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html list] provides on our binary tree.
We will implement some of the higher ordered functions [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html list] provides on our binary tree.
==traversal order==
==traversal order==
[[File:Sorted binary tree inorder.svg|Sorted binary tree inorder|frame|LNR would produce: ABCDEFGHI<br>RNL would produce: IHGFEDCBA]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(LNR) In-order LNR]
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(LNR) In-order LNR]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(RNL) Reverse in-order RNL]
=Code to Implement=
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
signature BINARY_SEARCH_TREE = sig
    type 'k compare_function = (('k * 'k) -> order)
    type ('e,'k) to_key_function = 'e -> 'k
    type ('e,'k) tree;
    val create_empty : ('k compare_function * ('e,'k) to_key_function) -> ('e,'k) tree
    val find : (('e,'k) tree * 'k) -> 'e option
    val insert : (('e,'k) tree * 'e) -> (('e,'k) tree * 'e option)
    val remove : (('e,'k) tree * 'k) -> (('e,'k) tree * 'e option)
    val fold_lnr : ((('e * 'b) -> 'b) * ('b) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> 'b
    val fold_rnl : ((('e * 'b) -> 'b) * ('b) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> 'b
    val debug_message : (('e -> string) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> string
    val to_graphviz_dot : (('e -> string) * ('k -> string) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> string
===provided compare_function and to_key_function type synonyms===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
type 'k compare_function = (('k * 'k) -> order)
type ('e,'k) to_key_function = 'e -> 'k
===required (at minimum) tree===
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
(* TODO: replace unit with the datatype(s) and/or type synonym(s) you decide upon *)
type ('a,'k) tree = unit
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun create_empty(cmp : 'k compare_function, to_key : ('e,'k) to_key_function) : ('e,'k) tree =
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
reference: [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.find:VAL List.find]
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun find(t : ('e,'k) tree, key : 'k) : 'e option =
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun insert(t : ('e,'k) tree, element : 'e) : (('e,'k) tree * 'e option) =
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
NOTE: if the key for the specified item matches a key already in the tree, the previous item is replaced.
NOTE: it is critical to build the tree "on the way out" of the recursion.  This is much like one must build the list "on the way out" in the [[Remove_First_Assignment| Remove First]] and [[Eliminate_Unsorted_Assignment|Eliminate Unsorted]] assignments.
<code>insert</code> returns a pair containing the new tree and the (optional) replaced value.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
fun remove(t : ('e,'k) tree, key : 'k) : (('e,'k) tree * 'e option) =
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")</syntaxhighlight>
<code>remove</code> the item whose key matches <code>item_key</code>, if it is found.
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(RNL) Reverse in-order RNL]
returns a pair of the modified tree and the (optional) removed item.
  datatype traversal_order = LNR | RNL
Remove contains the most challenging aspect of this studio.  When instructed to remove a node from a tree, there are several cases:
===not found===
What will indicate that you reached the point where you know the node is not found in the tree?<br>note: this has a trivial solution.
===no child in the left tree===
How will you detect this pattern?<br>note: this has a trivial solution.
===no child in the right tree===
how will you detect this pattern?<br>note: this has a trivial solution.
===both children are present===
If you need to remove a node and it has both children, now you have a legit problem. You must maintain a correct binary search tree.
datatype 'a tree = LEAF | BRANCH of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
====standard approach====
A common approach is to choose one of the following:
* remove the right most descendant in the left child, and promote it to be the node at the current level, or
note: this function is curried
* remove the left most descendant in the right child, and promote it to be the node at the current level
fun insert (compare_function:(('a * 'a) -> order)) (t:'a tree) (item:'a) : 'a tree =
The image below shows finding the left most child in the right subtree for promotion:
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun remove (equal_less_greater_function:'a -> order) (t:'a tree) : 'a tree =
    raise NotYetImplemented
Building a helper function will likely be helpful.
reference: [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.find:VAL List.find]
fun find (equal_less_greater_function : 'a -> order) (t:'a tree) : 'a option =
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree#Deletion Wikipedia BST Deletion]
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun to_first_and_last(order:traversal_order, left:'a tree, right:'a tree) =
    raise NotYetImplemented
====alternate approach?====
reference: [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.find:VAL List.find]
Can you come up with a different approach that produces a clean solution while still providing O(lg(N)) expected performance?
fun find_order_hof (order:traversal_order) (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option =
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun find_lnr (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option =
    find_order_hof LNR predicate t
reference: [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.foldl:VAL List.foldl] [https://smlfamily.github.io/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.foldr:VAL foldr]
fun find_rnl (predicate:'a->bool) (t:'a tree) : 'a option =
    find_order_hof RNL predicate t
[[File:Sorted binary tree inorder.svg|Sorted binary tree inorder|frame|LNR would produce: ABCDEFGHI<br>RNL would produce: IHGFEDCBA]]
reference: [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.foldl:VAL List.foldl]
fun fold_order_hof (order:traversal_order) (f : 'a * 'b -> 'b) (init : 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b =
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun fold_lnr f init t =  
    fold_order_hof LNR f init t
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
  fun fold_rnl f init t =  
    fold_order_hof RNL f init t
* depth-first, in-order traversal
===filter (Optional)===
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(LNR)
reference: [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.filter:VAL List.filter]
  fun filter (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree =  
fun fold_lnr(f, init, t) =  
    raise NotYetImplemented
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">
* depth-first, reverse in-order traversal
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Reverse_in-order_(RNL)
fun fold_rnl(f, init, t) =  
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
  fun filter_civil_war_style (predicate : 'a -> bool) (t : 'a tree) : 'a tree =
Visualizing the state of the tree often helps with debugging. We have provided a skeleton which can be adapted to your particular type declaration(s).
    raise NotYetImplemented
reference: [http://sml-family.org/Basis/list.html#SIG:LIST.map:VAL List.map]
  fun map_to_tree_of_questionable_validity (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b tree =  
<syntaxhighlight lang=java>
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun to_graphviz_dot(element_to_string, key_to_string, t) =
(* TODO: bind root *)
val root = raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
(* TODO: bind to_key *)
val to_key = raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
===map_to_tree_hof (Optional)===
fun nodes_to_dot(bst) =
fun map_to_tree_hof (order:traversal_order) (compare_function:(('b * 'b) -> order)) (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b tree =
    raise NotYetImplemented
fun empty_to_string() =
fun present_to_string(left, element, right) =
fun node_to_dot(element) =
"\t" ^ key_to_string(to_key(element)) ^ " [label= \"{ " ^ element_to_string(element) ^ " | { <child_left> | <child_right> } }\"]"
node_to_dot(element) ^ "\n" ^ nodes_to_dot(left) ^ nodes_to_dot(right)
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
fun map_to_tree_lnr compare_function f t =  
fun edges_to_dot(bst, parent_element_opt, tag) =
    map_to_tree_hof LNR compare_function f t
fun map_to_tree_rnl compare_function f t =  
fun empty_to_string() =
    map_to_tree_hof RNL compare_function f t
fun present_to_string(left, element, right) =
fun edge_to_dot(parent_element_opt, tag, element) =
case parent_element_opt of
NONE => ""
| SOME(parent_element) => "\t" ^ key_to_string(to_key(parent_element)) ^ tag ^ " -> " ^ key_to_string(to_key(element))
edge_to_dot(parent_element_opt, tag, element) ^ "\n" ^ edges_to_dot(left, SOME(element), ":child_left:center") ^ edges_to_dot(right, SOME(element), ":child_right:center")
raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
"digraph g {\n\n\tnode [\n\t\tshape = record\n\t]\n\n\tedge [\n\t\ttailclip=false,\n\t\tarrowhead=vee,\n\t\tarrowtail=dot,\n\t\tdir=both\n\t]\n\n" ^ nodes_to_dot(root) ^ edges_to_dot(root, NONE, "") ^ "\n}\n"
===map_to_list_hof (Optional)===
  fun map_to_list_hof (order:traversal_order) (f : 'a -> 'b) (t : 'a tree) : 'b list =
file: <code>debug_binary_search_tree.sml</code>
    raise NotYetImplemented
  fun map_to_list_lnr f t =
in folder: <code>src/test/sml/run_binary_search_tree_testing</code>
    map_to_list_hof LNR f t
fun map_to_list_rnl f t =
    map_to_list_hof RNL f t
==graphviz dot extenstion in visual studio code==
search for "graphviz dot" in vs code extensions marketplace
fun max_height(t : 'a BinaryTree.tree) : int =
  raise NotYetImplemented
fun sum_int_tree(t : int BinaryTree.tree) : int =
  raise NotYetImplemented
==Without Remove==
sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_bst_testing.sml --remove=false
sml run_bst_testing.sml --remove=false
=Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations=
=Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations=

Latest revision as of 17:18, 26 October 2023

We will implement a binary search tree data structure as well as Higher Order Function Hall of Fame inductees: find and fold.


student record example

type course = (string*int)
type student = {first_name: string, last_name: string, wustl_key: string, bear_bucks: real, courses: course list}

val bst = BinarySearchTree.create_empty(String.compare, (fn(s:student) => (#wustl_key s)))
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Bruce", last_name="Wayne", wustl_key="wayne.b", bear_bucks=999999.99, courses=[("Business", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Peter", last_name="Parker", wustl_key="webslinger", bear_bucks=12.34, courses=[("Biology", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Diana", last_name="Prince", wustl_key="amazon_diana", bear_bucks=234.56, courses=[("Anthropology", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Clark", last_name="Kent", wustl_key="i.m.superman", bear_bucks=34.56, courses=[("Journalism", 101)]})
val (bst, _) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {first_name="Bruce", last_name="Banner", wustl_key="gamma.ray", bear_bucks=456.78, courses=[("Physics", 101)]})

Bst example supers.svg

student record example with int as key

type student = {id: int, name: string, major: department}

val bst = BinarySearchTree.create_empty(Int.compare, fn(s:student) => #id s)
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401936, name="Tennessee Williams", major=ENGLISH})
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401927, name="Charles Eams", major=ARCHITECTURE})
val (bst,_) = BinarySearchTree.insert(bst, {id=401991, name="Rochelle Walensky", major=BIOCHEMISTRY})

Bst example students.svg


SML's General structure's order

datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER

Values of type order are used when comparing elements of a type that has a linear ordering.

Functions which take (('k * 'k) -> order) functions behave as Int.compare does:

compare (i, j)
returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER when i is less than, equal to, or greater than j, respectively.


We will implement some of the higher ordered functions list provides on our binary tree.

traversal order

Code to Implement

file: src/main/sml/binary_tree/binary_tree.sml Smlnj-logo.png
functions: create_empty
signature BINARY_SEARCH_TREE = sig
    type 'k compare_function = (('k * 'k) -> order)
    type ('e,'k) to_key_function = 'e -> 'k

    type ('e,'k) tree;

    val create_empty : ('k compare_function * ('e,'k) to_key_function) -> ('e,'k) tree

    val find : (('e,'k) tree * 'k) -> 'e option
    val insert : (('e,'k) tree * 'e) -> (('e,'k) tree * 'e option)
    val remove : (('e,'k) tree * 'k) -> (('e,'k) tree * 'e option)

    val fold_lnr : ((('e * 'b) -> 'b) * ('b) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> 'b 
    val fold_rnl : ((('e * 'b) -> 'b) * ('b) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> 'b 
    val debug_message : (('e -> string) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> string
    val to_graphviz_dot : (('e -> string) * ('k -> string) * (('e,'k) tree)) -> string


provided compare_function and to_key_function type synonyms

type 'k compare_function = (('k * 'k) -> order)
type ('e,'k) to_key_function = 'e -> 'k

required (at minimum) tree

(* TODO: replace unit with the datatype(s) and/or type synonym(s) you decide upon *)
type ('a,'k) tree = unit


fun create_empty(cmp : 'k compare_function, to_key : ('e,'k) to_key_function) : ('e,'k) tree =
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")


reference: List.find

fun find(t : ('e,'k) tree, key : 'k) : 'e option = 
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")


fun insert(t : ('e,'k) tree, element : 'e) : (('e,'k) tree * 'e option) =
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")

NOTE: if the key for the specified item matches a key already in the tree, the previous item is replaced.

NOTE: it is critical to build the tree "on the way out" of the recursion. This is much like one must build the list "on the way out" in the Remove First and Eliminate Unsorted assignments.

insert returns a pair containing the new tree and the (optional) replaced value.


fun remove(t : ('e,'k) tree, key : 'k) : (('e,'k) tree * 'e option) =
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")

remove the item whose key matches item_key, if it is found.

returns a pair of the modified tree and the (optional) removed item.

Remove contains the most challenging aspect of this studio. When instructed to remove a node from a tree, there are several cases:

not found

What will indicate that you reached the point where you know the node is not found in the tree?
note: this has a trivial solution.

no child in the left tree

How will you detect this pattern?
note: this has a trivial solution.

no child in the right tree

how will you detect this pattern?
note: this has a trivial solution.

both children are present

If you need to remove a node and it has both children, now you have a legit problem. You must maintain a correct binary search tree.

standard approach

A common approach is to choose one of the following:

  • remove the right most descendant in the left child, and promote it to be the node at the current level, or
  • remove the left most descendant in the right child, and promote it to be the node at the current level

The image below shows finding the left most child in the right subtree for promotion:


Building a helper function will likely be helpful.

Wikipedia BST Deletion

alternate approach?

Can you come up with a different approach that produces a clean solution while still providing O(lg(N)) expected performance?


reference: List.foldl foldr

LNR would produce: ABCDEFGHI
RNL would produce: IHGFEDCBA


 * depth-first, in-order traversal
 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order_(LNR)
fun fold_lnr(f, init, t) = 
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")


 * depth-first, reverse in-order traversal
 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Reverse_in-order_(RNL)
fun fold_rnl(f, init, t) = 
	raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")


Visualizing the state of the tree often helps with debugging. We have provided a skeleton which can be adapted to your particular type declaration(s).



	fun to_graphviz_dot(element_to_string, key_to_string, t) =
			(* TODO: bind root *)
			val root = raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
			(* TODO: bind to_key *)
			val to_key = raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")

			fun nodes_to_dot(bst) =
					fun empty_to_string() =
					fun present_to_string(left, element, right) =
							fun node_to_dot(element) =
								"\t" ^ key_to_string(to_key(element)) ^ " [label= \"{ " ^ element_to_string(element) ^ " | { <child_left> | <child_right> } }\"]"
							node_to_dot(element) ^ "\n" ^ nodes_to_dot(left) ^ nodes_to_dot(right)
						raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")

			fun edges_to_dot(bst, parent_element_opt, tag) =
					fun empty_to_string() =
					fun present_to_string(left, element, right) =
							fun edge_to_dot(parent_element_opt, tag, element) = 
								case parent_element_opt of
								NONE => ""
								| SOME(parent_element) => "\t" ^ key_to_string(to_key(parent_element)) ^ tag ^ " -> " ^ key_to_string(to_key(element))
							edge_to_dot(parent_element_opt, tag, element) ^ "\n" ^ edges_to_dot(left, SOME(element), ":child_left:center") ^ edges_to_dot(right, SOME(element), ":child_right:center")
						raise Fail("NotYetImplemented")
			"digraph g {\n\n\tnode [\n\t\tshape = record\n\t]\n\n\tedge [\n\t\ttailclip=false,\n\t\tarrowhead=vee,\n\t\tarrowtail=dot,\n\t\tdir=both\n\t]\n\n" ^ nodes_to_dot(root) ^ edges_to_dot(root, NONE, "") ^ "\n}\n"


file: debug_binary_search_tree.sml

in folder: src/test/sml/run_binary_search_tree_testing

graphviz dot extenstion in visual studio code

search for "graphviz dot" in vs code extensions marketplace



source folder: src/test/sml/binary_search_tree
how to run with CM.make verbosity off: sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_bst_testing.sml
how to run with CM.make verbosity on: sml run_bst_testing.sml

note: ensure that you have removed all printing to receive credit for any assignment.

SML Error Messages

Without Remove

sml -Ccm.verbose=false run_bst_testing.sml --remove=false
sml run_bst_testing.sml --remove=false

Pledge, Acknowledgments, Citations

file: studio-binary-search-tree-pledge-acknowledgments-citations.txt

More info about the Honor Pledge