From the main menu bar, select ToolsReference Point to create a reference point on a part or on the assembly. A part can include only one reference point, and the reference point appears on each instance of the part in the assembly. Alternatively, you can use the Assembly, Interaction, or Load modules to create multiple reference points on the assembly. For more information, see What is a reference point?, Section 46.1.
To add a reference point:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsReference Point.
Select a point to act as the reference point. You can use either of the following techniques to position the reference point:
Select any existing vertex from the part, including datum points. If you want to move the reference point, you must edit the vertex or datum point. Alternatively, you can delete the reference point and select a new vertex or datum point.
Type the components of a vector representing the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the reference point. If you want to move the reference point, you can use the Feature Manipulation toolset to edit its coordinates.