36.2.2 Customizing translucency

Translucency options control the degree of transparency of your model, and they apply to plots in all render styles except wireframe. Translucency is plot state–independent; that is, you set it once for all undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. You can also set the translucency that ABAQUS/CAE will apply to the undeformed shape when the deformed shape is superimposed on it.

For shaded symbol and material orientation plots, symbol plot arrows and material orientation triads located in the interior of the model are easier to view if you turn on translucency.

To customize translucency:

  1. Locate the common or superimposed Translucency options. The common translucency setting always applies to the deformed shape; it applies to the undeformed shape when it is plotted individually in any plot state (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material orientation). When the undeformed shape is plotted with the deformed shape, the superimpose translucency style applies.

    From the main menu bar, select OptionsCommon or Superimpose. Click the Other tab in the dialog box that appears; then click the Translucency tab. The Translucency options appear.

  2. Toggle on Apply translucency to activate the translucency options

  3. Choose the percentage of translucency.

    Drag the slider to the percentage of translucency that you want. A value of .00 indicates transparent plotting; 1.00 indicates opaque plotting. The default translucency is .30.

  4. Toggle on Use depth sorting to create a more realistic translucent effect.

    ABAQUS/CAE sorts all objects in the view and draws the objects furthest from your viewpoint first and the objects closest to your viewpoint last. Depth sorting makes the model colors closest to your viewpoint more apparent.

    Note:  The sorting process can impact display performance. To minimize the performance impact, ABAQUS/CAE disables depth sorting during view manipulations and applies it again when the model is stationary.

  5. Click Apply to implement your changes.

    The translucency changes to reflect your specifications.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in the current viewport and in any new viewports created from the current viewport.

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