17.8.5 Using structured meshing near concave boundaries

When you mesh a region using any meshing technique, the nodes on the boundary of the mesh are always located on the boundary of the geometric region. However, when ABAQUS/CAE creates a mesh using the structured meshing technique, it is possible for nodes in the interior of the mesh to fall outside the region's geometry, which results in a distorted, invalid mesh. This problem typically occurs near concave boundaries.

For example, the region in Figure 17–59 has five sides; therefore, when ABAQUS/CAE meshes this region using the structured meshing technique, it applies the mesh pattern for a regular pentagon to the region.

Figure 17–59 The mesh pattern for a regular pentagon is applied to the region.

However, if you seed the region so that the number of elements is reduced, as shown in Figure 17–60, a distorted mesh results due to the concavity at the highly curved edge. Nodes from the interior of the mesh pattern (indicated by closed circles in Figure 17–61) fall outside the region's geometry, while nodes on the boundary of the mesh (indicated by open circles in Figure 17–61) remain on the boundary of the region's geometry.

Figure 17–60 Seeds prescribing a coarser mesh.

Figure 17–61 Nodes from the interior of the mesh fall outside the region's geometry.

When interior nodes fall outside the region's geometry, you can try the following techniques to improve the mesh: