17.5.2 What kinds of elements must be generated outside the Mesh module?

ABAQUS/CAE provides support for most of the elements that are used by ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit; however, some elements are not supported and must be generated outside the Mesh module. The following list describes the elements that are not supported by ABAQUS/CAE. If you want to assign these element types to a model, you must use a text editor to add them to the input file generated in the Job module. For information on generating the input file, see Basic steps for analyzing a model, Section 18.2.1.

You cannot assign some elements, such as CONN2D2 and SPRING1 in the Mesh module; however, you can create equivalent connectors in the Interaction module or engineering features in the Property module or Interaction module as shown in Table 17–1:

Table 17–1 ABAQUS/CAE support for connectors and engineering features.

ElementsABAQUS/CAE support
CONN2D2, CONN3D2Equivalent connector in Interaction module
DASHPOTA, DASHPOT1, DASHPOT2Engineering feature in Property module or Interaction module (linear behavior independent of field variables)
Equivalent connector in Interaction module
GAPCYL, GAPSPHER, GAPUNIEquivalent connector in Interaction module
HEATCAPEngineering feature in Property module or Interaction module
ITSCYL, ITSUNIEquivalent connector in Interaction module
JOINTCEquivalent connector in Interaction module
MASSEngineering feature in Property module or Interaction module
ROTARYIEngineering feature in Property module or Interaction module
SPRINGA, SPRING1, SPRING2Engineering feature in Property module or Interaction module (linear behavior independent of field variables)
Equivalent connector in Interaction module

For more information, see Understanding connectors, Section 15.6; Modeling inertia, Section 20.2; and Modeling springs and dashpots, Section 20.4.