7.2 Using double buffering

Double buffering controls where ABAQUS/CAE draws its graphics. When toggled off, everything is drawn directly to the screen and on many systems you can see the progress of the drawing operations. Most users find this distracting, especially in dynamic situations such as view manipulation or animation of results. When toggled on, the drawing occurs in a separate buffer that is displayed when all the drawing operations are complete. This results in a much smoother display during view changes or animation. It is recommended that you toggle double buffering on. However, if you are displaying a large model that takes a long time to display, you may want to turn off double buffering and ignore any flickering while you follow the rendering process.

The term "double buffering" indicates that two graphics buffers are used. Successive image frames are alternately produced in the two buffers. The presence of two buffers, however, consumes additional graphics resources, which in turn may decrease the number of available colors on some 256 color systems. Therefore, turning double buffering off may increase color resolution on these workstations.

To control double buffering:

  1. Locate the buffering options.

    From the main menu bar, select ViewGraphics Options.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Graphics Options dialog box.

  2. From the Hardware options, toggle Use double buffering on or off.

  3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

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