7.1 Overview of graphics display options

When you start a session, ABAQUS detects the graphics hardware installed on your system and sets the graphics options accordingly. If your graphics hardware is not supported by ABAQUS/CAE or if you wish to override the default graphics options, you can use the Graphics Options dialog box to tune display performance. ABAQUS/CAE applies the settings to all viewports and saves the settings for the duration of the session. To use the customized settings each time you start an ABAQUS/CAE session, modify the environment file (abaqus_v6.env). For additional information on the environment file, see the ABAQUS Installation and Licensing Guide.

Note:  Recommended settings for recently introduced graphics adapters are available from the support and services area of the ABAQUS Home Page.

You can also use the Graphics Options dialog box to do the following:

To specify graphics display options:

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