7.8 Damage model for fiber-reinforced composite materials

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: This capability allows anisotropic damage in fiber-reinforced composite laminae to be modeled without the strong mesh dependency that is often characteristic of softening behavior.

Description: ABAQUS provides you with the capability to model anisotropic damage in fiber-reinforced composite laminae, such as depicted in Figure 7–4.

Figure 7–4 Unidirectional lamina.

This damage model can be used only with elements that have a plane stress formulation (plane stress, membrane, shell, and continuum shell elements). It assumes that the material is elastic-brittle; that is, damage is initiated with a small amount of plastic deformation, so plasticity is neglected. It allows you to consider four different failure mechanisms (damage modes):
This capability follows the existing framework for specifying progressive damage models in ABAQUS. You must specify:
The Hashin damage initiation form in ABAQUS/CAE is shown in Figure 7–5. (The Longitudinal Shear Strength and Transverse Shear Strength fields are not shown.) Damage evolution and damage stabilization (viscous regularization) forms are located under the Suboptions menu.

Figure 7–5 Damage initiation for fiber-reinforced composite materials.

In addition, viscous regularization is also supported through the section controls for the element type.

Property module:
   Edit Material: MechanicalDamage for Fiber-Reinforced CompositesHashin Damage
   Edit Material: MechanicalDamage for Fiber-Reinforced CompositesHashin Damage: 
   SuboptionsDamage Evolution or Damage Stabilization
Mesh module:
   MeshElement Type: Family: Cohesive: Linear bulk viscosity scaling factor, 
   Quadratic bulk viscosity scaling factor
   MeshElement Type: Family: Cohesive: Viscosity, Element deletion, Max degradation

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