7.3 Enhancements to the hysteresis material model

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

Benefits: This enhancement allows more accurate modeling of filled elastomers by removing a singularity that existed in the expression for the creep strain rate for hysteresis. The new model smooths the response near the undeformed state when the strain state changes from tension to compression or vice versa.

Description: The expression for the creep strain rate in the hysteresis model in Version 6.5 has a singularity when the applied strain switches from tension to compression. This singularity causes a non-smooth response under cyclic loading when the applied strain changes sign. The original authors of this model proposed a modification to the creep evolution law that removes this singularity while retaining the other essential features of the model. The modification is in the form of an additional material parameter that can be adjusted to get a smoother response near zero strain. This modification has been implemented in ABAQUS/Standard by providing user control of the additional parameter. The default value is 0.01; setting the value to zero recovers the previous expression for the creep strain rate.


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