4.1 Sketcher constraints and tools

Product: ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: You can control the geometry in a sketch and create parametric equations to relate pieces of geometry. Several new tools and options are available, and the functionality of many existing sketch creation and editing tools has been enhanced.

Description: Constraints, dimensions, and parameters control sketch geometry by creating relationships within a sketch. Constraints create logical relationships, dimensions create numerical relationships, and parameters create mathematical relationships between entities—Sketcher constraints include all three types of controls. Use the following tools to add and edit Sketcher constraints:

Figure 4–1 shows the use of Sketcher constraints to control sketched bolt holes on a flange.

Figure 4–1 Sketcher constraints.

The constraint symbols appear near each constrained entity in the sketch. For example, a fixed constraint () and a symmetry constraint (a line with a circle on each side) are applied to the top bolt hole to show that it cannot be moved and that it is symmetric with the bottom bolt hole (the horizontal construction line is the line of symmetry). The holes also have an equal radius constraint (a long dash through the edge of the circles) so that any change in size affects all of the holes. ABAQUS/CAE colors fully constrained entities green to indicate that they cannot be modified without changing the associated controls. Unconstrained or partially constrained entities are displayed in yellow. If objects are overconstrained—where the number of controls exceeds the number of degrees of freedom—they remain yellow, but ABAQUS/CAE displays the symbols of the conflicting constraints in magenta. There is an overconstraint in Figure 4–1 because in addition to the equal radius constraint two of the bolt holes are dimensioned (the dimension 2. on the holes on the positive X-axis and in the lower left quadrant)—with the equal radius constraint only one hole's radius should be dimensioned.The image is animated to show the resolution of the overconstraints by converting the lower left radius dimension to a reference dimension. Reference dimensions indicate the size of the entity without controlling it. The reference dimension for the flange base feature and the dimension for one of the holes have been associated with parameters. The Parameter Manager is shown in Figure 4–2. A parametric equation relates the position of the hole to the size of the flange. The flange radius is a reference dimension since the size of this reference geometry cannot be changed within the sketch for the bolt holes.

Figure 4–2 The Parameter Manager.

Other additions and changes to the Sketcher include the following:

Sketch module:
   AddAuto-Constrain, Constraint, Auto-Dimension, Dimension
   EditParameter Manager
   EditTransformTranslate, Rotate, Scale, Mirror
   EditSketcher Options

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual