This option is used to prescribe distributed surface loading.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
Set this parameter equal to the cyclic symmetry mode number of loads that are applied in the current steady-state dynamics procedure.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curve that defines the variation of the load magnitude during the step.
If this parameter is omitted for uniform load types in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step, depending on the value assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter on the *STEP option (see Procedures: overview, Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual). If this parameter is omitted in an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step.
Amplitude references are ignored for nonuniform loads given by user subroutine DLOAD in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis. Amplitude references are passed into user subroutine VDLOAD in an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis.
Only the load magnitude is changed with time. Quantities such as the fluid surface level in hydrostatic pressure loading are not changed.
Set CONSTANT RESULTANT=NO (default) if surface traction vectors, edge traction vectors, or edge moments are to be integrated over the surface in the current configuration.
Set CONSTANT RESULTANT=YES if surface traction vectors, edge traction vectors, or edge moments are to be integrated over the surface in the reference configuration.
The CONSTANT RESULTANT parameter is valid only for traction and edge load labels TRSHR, TRVEC, EDLD, EDMOM, EDNOR, EDSHR, and EDTRA. It will be ignored for all other load labels.
Set FOLLOWER=YES (default) if a prescribed traction or shell-edge load is to rotate with the surface or shell edge in a large-displacement analysis (live load).
Set FOLLOWER=NO if a prescribed traction or edge load is to remain fixed in a large-displacement analysis (dead load).
The FOLLOWER parameter is valid only for traction and edge load labels TRVEC and EDLD. It will be ignored for all other load labels.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.
Set this parameter equal to the load case number. This parameter is used only in *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS analyses (direct, modal, or subspace). It is ignored in all other procedures. LOAD CASE=1 (default) defines the real (in-phase) part of the loading, and LOAD CASE=2 defines the imaginary (out-of-phase) part of the loading.
Set this parameter equal to the name given for the *ORIENTATION option (Orientations, Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual) used to specify the local coordinates in which components of traction or shell-edge loads are specified.
The ORIENTATION parameter is valid only for traction and edge load labels TRSHR, TRVEC, and EDLD. It will be ignored for all other load labels.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Explicit analyses and is relevant only for viscous and stagnation pressure loads when the velocity at the reference node is used.
Set this parameter equal to either the node number of the reference node or the name of a node set containing the reference node. If the name of a node set is chosen, the node set must contain exactly one node. If this parameter is omitted, the reference velocity is assumed to be zero.
First line:
Surface name.
Distributed load type label P, PNU, SP, or VP.
Reference load magnitude, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option. For nonuniform loads the magnitude must be defined in user subroutine DLOAD for an ABAQUS/Standard analysis or VDLOAD for an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis. If given, this value will be passed into the user subroutine in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define distributed loads on different surfaces.
First line:
Surface name.
Distributed load type label HP.
Actual magnitude of the load, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option.
Z-coordinate of zero pressure level.
Z-coordinate of the point at which the pressure is defined.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define hydrostatic pressure loading on different surfaces.
First line:
Surface name.
Distributed load type label TRVEC, TRSHR, EDLD, TRVECNU, TRSHRNU, or EDLDNU.
Reference load magnitude, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option.
1-component of the traction vector direction.
2-component of the traction vector direction.
3-component of the traction vector direction.
For a two-dimensional or axisymmetric analysis, only the first two components of the traction vector direction need to be specified. For the shear traction load labels TRSHR and TRSHRNU, the loading direction is computed by projecting the specified traction vector direction down upon the surface in the reference configuration. For nonuniform loads in ABAQUS/Standard the magnitude and traction vector direction must be defined in user subroutine UTRACLOAD. If given, the magnitude and vector will be passed into the user subroutine in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define traction vectors on different surfaces.
First line:
Surface name.
Reference load magnitude, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option. For nonuniform loads in ABAQUS/Standard the magnitude must be defined in user subroutine UTRACLOAD. If given, the magnitude will be passed into the user subroutine in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define traction vectors on different surfaces.
First line:
Surface name.
Distributed load type label SP.
Reference load magnitude, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define stagnation pressure loads on different surfaces.