10.4 The Help toolset

The Help toolset contains special methods that allows you to add your own logo and copyright information to the HelpOn Version dialog box. Customized applications must show the standard copyright information displayed by ABAQUS/CAE or ABAQUS/Viewer. In addition, you can customize the copyright information at the top of the On Version dialog box using the following methods:

For example:
from abaqusGui import *
from sessionGui import HelpToolsetGui
from myIcons import *

class MyMainWindow(AFXMainWindow):

    def _init_(self, app, windowTitle='')


        # Add custom copyright info to the On Version dialog.
        helpToolset = HelpToolsetGui()
        product = getAFXApp().getProductName()
        major, minor, update = getAFXApp().getVersionNumbers()
        prerelease = getAFXApp().getPrerelease()
        if prerelease:
            version = '%s Version %s.%s-PRE%s' % (
                product, major, minor, update)
            version = '%s Version %s.%s-%s' % (
                product, major, minor, update)
        info = 'Copyright 2003\nMy Company'
        helpToolset.setCustomCopyrightStrings(version, info) 
        icon = FXXPMIcon(app, myIconData)
        self.registerHelpToolset(helpToolset, GUI_IN_MENUBAR)

An alternative way to provide help in your application is to use special methods that allow you to post a URL in a web browser. For example:

from uti import webBrowser
status = webBrowser.displayURL('http://www.abaqus.com')
status = webBrowser.openWithURL(
You can use any valid URL syntax, such as “http” or “file.” displayURL will display the URL in a currently open browser window (if there are none, it will open a new window). openWithURL will always open a new browser window. No exceptions are thrown, but you can check the return status of these methods for success.