10.3 The Tree toolset

The Tree toolset provides a tabbed area that contains the Model Tree and the Results Tree in ABAQUS/CAE. For more information, see Working with the Model Tree and the Results Tree, Section 3.5 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual. The Tree toolset contains the following methods that you can use to customize the appearance of the tabbed area:

In addition, the main window has an appendTreeTab method that creates a new tab item in the tabbed area and returns a vertical frame into which you can add your widgets. If you only want to add a tab after the Model and Results tabs, you can use appendTreeTab from within your custom code. However, if you want to change the order of the tabs or remove one of the standard tabs, you must derive your own toolset from the Tree toolset. For example:

class MyTreeToolsetGui(TreeToolsetGui):

    def makeTabs(self):

    def makeMyTab(self):
        vf = getAFXApp().getAFXMainWindow().appendTreeTab('My Tab')
        FXLabel(vf, 'This is my tab item')