3.7 Miscellaneous widgets

This section describes a set of miscellaneous widgets in the ABAQUS GUI Toolkit that you can use in your applications. The following topics are covered:

3.7.1 Separators

The FXHorizontalSeparator widget and the FXVerticalSeparator widget provide a visual separator to allow separating elements in a GUI. The ABAQUS GUI Toolkit also includes a FXMenuSeparator widget that you can use to separate items in a menu pane. For example,

FXLabel(parent, 'This is a label above an FXHorizontalSeparator')
FXLabel(parent, 'This is a label below an FXHorizontalSeparator')

Figure 3–34 An example of a horizontal separator from FXHorizontalSeparator.

3.7.2 Notes and warnings

The AFXNote widget provides a convenient way to display notes or warnings in a dialog box. AFXNote displays either the word “Note” or the word “Warning” in a bold font. AFXNote also aligns messages that contain more than one line. For example,

AFXNote(parent, 'This is an AFXNote information note\nthat 
    wraps on two lines.')

AFXNote(parent, 'This is an AFXNote warning note!', NOTE_WARNING)

Figure 3–35 An example of a note and a warning from AFXNote.

3.7.3 Progress bar

The AFXProgressBar widget provides feedback during a process that takes a long time to complete. You can use several different modes with a progress bar. For example,

pb = AFXProgressBar(parent, keyword, tgt, 
    0, 0, 200, 25)