Product: ABAQUS/Standard
This example is an illustration of contour integral evaluation in a fully three-dimensional crack configuration. The example provides validation of the method (for linear elastic response), because comparative results are available for this geometry.
ABAQUS provides values of the J-integral; stress intensity factor, ; and T-stress as a function of position along a crack front in three-dimensional geometries. Several contours can be used; and, since the integral should be path independent, the scatter in the values obtained with different contours can be used as an indicator of the quality of the results. The domain integral method used to calculate the contour integral in ABAQUS generally gives accurate results even with rather coarse models, as is shown in this case.
Two geometries are analyzed in this example.
The first geometry analyzed is a semi-elliptic crack in a half-space and is shown in Figure 1.15.21. The crack is loaded in Mode I by far-field tension. Due to symmetry, only one-quarter of the body needs to be analyzed. The mesh is shown in Figure 1.15.22. Reduced-integration elements (C3D20R) are used, with the midside nodes moved to the quarter-point position on those element edges that focus onto the crack tip nodes. This quarter-point method provides a strain singularity and, thus, improves the modeling of the strain field adjacent to the crack tip (see Contour integral evaluation: two-dimensional case, Section 1.15.1, for a discussion of this technique). The normal to the crack front is used to specify the crack extension direction, as shown in Figure 1.15.23. The mesh extends out far enough to cause the boundary conditions on the far faces of the model to have negligible effect on the solution. Three rings of elements surrounding the crack tip are used to evaluate the contour integrals.
The second geometry analyzed is a semi-elliptic crack in a rectangular plate, as shown in Figure 1.15.24. The plate is subjected to uniform tension. Due to symmetry only one-quarter of the body needs to be analyzed. The dimensions of the plate relative to the plate thickness, t, are as follows: the half-height 16; the half-width
8; the mid-plane crack depth
0.6; and the surface crack half-length
2.5, which results in a surface crack aspect ratio of
0.24. The mesh for the plate is shown in Figure 1.15.25, with its profile on the crack plane shown in Figure 1.15.26. The model uses C3D8 elements.
The J-integral values computed by ABAQUS for the first geometry are given in Table 1.15.21 as functions of angular position along the crack front, where
is defined by
The values show a rather smooth variation along the crack front and are reasonably path independent; that is, the values provided by the three contours are almost the same. There is some loss of path independence and, hence, presumably, of accuracy as the crack approaches the free surface (at
0). This accuracy loss is assumed to be attributable to the coarse and rather distorted mesh in that region.
The stress intensity factors along the crack line are compared in Table 1.15.22 and in Figure 1.15.27 with those obtained by Newman and Raju (1979), who used a nodal force method to compute
from a finite element model that had 3078 degrees of freedom. The J-integral values calculated by ABAQUS are converted to
The stress intensity factor values, , computed by ABAQUS for the second geometry are compared with the
results calculated by Nakamura and Parks (1991) in Figure 1.15.28, and the agreement between them is excellent.
Figure 1.15.29 presents the T-stresses calculated by ABAQUS and those obtained by Nakamura and Parks (1991) and Wang and Parks (1992). Comparison shows good agreement between them, especially near the middle of the crack line.
Semi-elliptic crack in a half space
Run the script to create the model. Then run the script to analyze the model.
Semi-elliptic crack in a rectangular plate
Run the script to create the model. Then run the script to analyze the model.
The input files below create models with different meshes than the ABAQUS/CAE models created by the Python scripts above. The results are identical in both cases.
First model.
Nodal coordinates for the first model. These have been generated by a special-purpose program.
Second model.
Node definitions for jktintegral3d.inp.
Element definitions for jktintegral3d.inp.
Nakamura, T., and D. M. Parks, Determination of Elastic T-Stress along Three-Dimensional Crack Fronts Using an Interaction Integral, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 28, pp. 15971611, 1991.
Newman, J. C., and I. S. Raju, Stress-Intensity Factors for a Wide Range of Semi-Elliptical Surface Cracks in Finite Thickness Plates, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 11, pp. 817829, 1979.
Wang, Y-Y., and D. M. Parks, Evaluation of the Elastic T-Stress in Surface-Cracked Plate Using the Line-Spring Method, International Journal of Fracture, vol. 56, pp. 2540, 1992.
Table 1.15.21 J-integral estimates for semi-elliptic crack (× 103 N/mm (top); × 103 lb/in (bottom)).
Crack Front Location, ![]() | Contour | Average Value | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | ||
0.00 | 0.8081 | 0.8232 | 0.8222 | 0.8178 |
4.6099 | 4.6964 | 4.6907 | 4.6656 | |
11.25 | 0.7817 | 0.7818 | 0.7840 | 0.7825 |
4.4597 | 4.4599 | 4.4727 | 4.4641 | |
22.50 | 0.8703 | 0.8814 | 0.8834 | 0.8783 |
4.9647 | 5.028 | 5.0397 | 5.0108 | |
33.75 | 1.0300 | 1.0458 | 1.0485 | 1.0415 |
5.8761 | 5.9662 | 5.9817 | 5.9413 | |
45.00 | 1.2236 | 1.2229 | 1.2261 | 1.2242 |
6.9801 | 6.9762 | 6.9947 | 6.9836 | |
56.25 | 1.3808 | 1.3800 | 1.3836 | 1.3815 |
7.8771 | 7.8725 | 7.8933 | 7.8809 | |
67.50 | 1.4488 | 1.4723 | 1.4762 | 1.4658 |
8.2649 | 8.3991 | 8.4213 | 8.3617 | |
78.75 | 1.5746 | 1.5745 | 1.5786 | 1.5759 |
8.9827 | 8.9818 | 9.0053 | 8.8989 | |
90.00 | 1.5572 | 1.5783 | 1.5825 | 1.5727 |
8.8832 | 9. | 9.0275 | 8.9715 |
Table 1.15.22 Comparison of computed Mode I stress intensity factors (N/mm2–mm1/2 (top); lb/in2–in1/2 (bottom)).
Crack Front Location, ![]() | Newman and Raju | Average Value (calculated from J-integral) | Average Value (calculated directly by ABAQUS) |
0.00 | 12.99 | 13.64 | 13.23 |
373.60 | 392.19 | 380.47 | |
11.25 | 13.23 | 13.34 | 13.48 |
380.50 | 383.62 | 387.66 | |
22.50 | 14.26 | 14.13 | 14.06 |
410.20 | 406.43 | 404.52 | |
33.75 | 15.63 | 15.39 | 15.31 |
449.60 | 442.56 | 440.37 | |
45.00 | 16.90 | 16.68 | 16.91 |
486.20 | 479.82 | 486.35 | |
56.25 | 17.92 | 17.72 | 17.96 |
515.40 | 509.71 | 516.65 | |
67.50 | 18.68 | 18.26 | 18.16 |
537.30 | 525.03 | 522.23 | |
78.75 | 19.12 | 18.93 | 18.79 |
554.40 | 544.40 | 540.48 | |
90.00 | 19.27 | 18.93 | 18.79 |
554.40 | 543.84 | 546.17 |