3.15.2 Meshing and analyzing a two-dimensional model of a beam cross-section

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

Elements tested

WARP2D3    WARP2D4   

Features tested

The special-purpose two-dimensional elements WARP2D3 (3-node triangular) and WARP2D4 (4-node quadrilateral) are used to create two-dimensional beam cross-section models. The *BEAM SECTION GENERATE procedure is used to numerically calculate the geometric, stiffness, and inertia properties of the section, including the warping function and shear center location (see Meshed beam cross-sections, Section 3.5.6 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual). The calculated properties are written to the jobname.bsp text file.

Problem description


Several cross-section shapes are considered. Two-dimensional finite element models of an I-section, an I-section with nodal offset, a rectangular section, a pipe section with a cut, a C-section, and an airfoil section (see Figure 3.15.2–1) are included.

Figure 3.15.2–1 An airfoil cross-section.


All the cross-sections are meshed using WARP2D3 and/or WARP2D4 elements.


Only elastic materials, using either the *ELASTIC, TYPE=ISOTROPIC or *ELASTIC, TYPE=TRACTION option, can be used for the two-dimensional model.

Boundary conditions:

Boundary conditions are not meaningful when generating beam section properties and are ignored.


Loads are not meaningful when generating beam section properties and are ignored.

Results and discussion

The beam cross-section properties for each of the meshed cross-sections are written to the jobname.bsp text file. The integrated values of the properties for the meshed beam cross-sections are compared to the analytical solutions or solutions generated for a section from the predefined library. The warping function shapes of the two-dimensional cross-sections compare well with the solutions for the solid element models of the beam subjected to a unit twist.

Input files


Meshed cross-section of an airfoil.


Meshed C cross-section.


Meshed pipe cross-section with cut.


Meshed I cross-section with isotropic material.


Meshed I cross-section with orthotropic material.


Meshed I cross-section with TRACTION material.


Meshed I cross-section with two different materials.


Meshed I cross-section with nodal offset.


Meshed rectangular cross-section.