Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
The submodeling capability is applied to two-dimensional continuum stress/displacement elements. In ABAQUS/Standard general static and linear perturbation procedures are used in various combinations for both the global and submodel analyses. In ABAQUS/Explicit the procedures are quasi-static for both the global and submodel analyses.
All global models have dimensions 8.0 × 1.5 in the – plane, with an out-of-plane dimension of 1.0 (plane stress analysis).
Material:Loading and boundary conditions:
All global models involving static procedures and ABAQUS/Explicit quasi-static procedures are subject to the loading and boundary conditions depicted in Figure 3.6.21. In ABAQUS/Standard the time history of the loading, the time at which the corresponding submodeled analysis is performed, and the requested file output from the global model are unique to each individual analysis. In ABAQUS/Explicit the same step time and smooth step loading are used in both the global and submodel analyses.
All global models involving dynamic procedures in ABAQUS/Standard are subject to the loading and boundary conditions depicted in Figure 3.6.22. For the transient simulations using the *DYNAMIC option, different excitation frequencies of the load can be tested by changing the parameters defined in the input files. As in the static analyses the time history of the loading, the time at which the corresponding submodeled analysis is performed, and the requested file output from the global model are unique to each individual analysis.
The amplitudes of all driven variables in the submodeled analysis are correctly identified on the global analysis file output and applied at the driven nodes in the submodel analysis.
The following input files test various combinations of static analyses using the *STATIC and *STATIC with *STEP, PERTURBATION procedures:
CPEG3, CPEG4 elements; global analysis.
CPEG4 elements; submodel analysis of pgcg4sfs.inp.
Restart from pscg4sf1.inp.
CPEG6, CPEG8 elements; global analysis.
CPEG4 elements; submodel analysis of pgcg8sfs.inp.
CPEG6M, CPEG8 elements; global analysis.
CPEG4 elements; submodel analysis of pgcg8sks.inp.
CPE3, CPE4 elements; global analysis.
CPE4 elements; submodel analysis of pgce4sfs.inp.
CPE3, CPE4 elements; *SUBMODEL, GLOBAL ELSET; global analysis.
CPE4 elements; *SUBMODEL, GLOBAL ELSET; submodel analysis of pgce4sfsg.inp.
CPE4H elements; global analysis.
CPE4 elements; submodel analysis of pgce4shm.inp .
CPE4R elements; global analysis.
CPE4 elements; submodel analysis of pgce4srm.inp.
CPE6, CPE8 elements; global analysis.
CPE4 elements; submodel analysis of pgce8sfs.inp.
CPE6M elements; global analysis.
CPE6M elements; submodel analysis of pgce6sms.inp.
CPS3, CPS4 elements; global analysis.
CPS4 elements; submodel analysis of pgcs4sfs.inp.
CPS6M elements; global analysis.
CPS6M elements; submodel analysis of pgcs6sms.inp.
The following input files test various combinations of dynamic analyses using the *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS, *DYNAMIC, and *MODAL DYNAMIC procedures:
CPE8H elements; global analysis.
CPS8 elements; submodel analysis of pgce8shd.inp.
CPE8R elements; global analysis.
CPE8 elements; submodel analysis of pgce8srd.inp.
CPS6, CPS8 elements; global analysis.
CPS8 elements; submodel analysis of pgcs8sfd.inp.
CPE8H elements; global *DYNAMIC analysis.
CPS8 elements; submodel *DYNAMIC analysis.
CPE4R, CPE3 elements; global analysis.
CPE4R elements; submodel analysis.
CPS4R, CPS3 elements; global analysis.
CPS4R elements; submodel analysis.
CPE6M elements; global analysis.
CPE6M elements; submodel analysis.
CPS6M elements; global analysis.
CPS6M elements; submodel analysis.