50.3 Controlling edge visibility

Using the ViewPart Display Options or ViewAssembly Display Options menu items, you can control the visibility of the following:

Geometry edges

  • If a part or part instance is displayed with the hidden render style, ABAQUS/CAE suppresses obscured geometry edges by default. Alternatively, if you toggle on the Show dotted lines in hidden render style option, ABAQUS/CAE displays the obscured edges using a dotted line style.

    If a part or part instance is displayed with the shaded render style, ABAQUS/CAE displays the edges by default. Non-wire edges (edges attached to faces) are displayed in black. Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show edges in shaded render style option, ABAQUS/CAE suppresses edge display.

    If a three-dimensional part or part instance contains faces with curved edges, by default ABAQUS/CAE displays gray “silhouette” edges originating from the faces, as shown in the hidden-line plot in Figure 50–2. Unlike true edges, silhouette edges serve only as a visual aid; for example, you cannot select or partition a silhouette edge.

    Figure 50–2 Hidden-line plot showing silhouette edges.

    Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show silhouette edges option, ABAQUS/CAE displays only true edges.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays a curved part using a faceted representation of the part, and you use the Curve refinement option to specify the degree of faceting. For more information, see Controlling curve refinement, Section 50.4.

Mesh edges

For mesh edges within a meshed part or a part imported from an output database, the visibility options are:

All edges

Displays all element edges. To see element edges on the interior of the model, you must also set the render style to wireframe.

Exterior edges

Displays only edges on the exterior of the model.

Feature edges

Displays only edges on the exterior of the model that are calculated to be feature edges. Feature edges lie between elements that have normals that differ by more than the “feature angle.” For more information on controlling the feature angle, see Defining mesh feature edges, Section 50.5.

Free edges

Displays only edges that belong to a single element. Free edge display is particularly useful for locating potential holes or cracks in your mesh.

These options are shown in Figure 37–2.

Figure 50–3 Model showing mesh edge display options.

If a mesh is displayed with the shaded render style, ABAQUS/CAE displays the edges by default. Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show edges in shaded render style option, ABAQUS/CAE suppresses edge display.

With the exception of showing hidden geometry edges as dotted lines, you cannot control the line style, color, or thickness of edges.

To control edge visibility:

  1. Locate the edge visibility options.

    From the main menu bar, select ViewPart Display Options or ViewAssembly Display Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the General tab.

  2. Select the desired Geometry edge settings.

  3. Select the desired Mesh Edges settings.

  4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

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