You can use the Repair toolset in the Part module to repair the geometry of a part. In most cases you will be repairing an imported part to make it precise and valid; however, you can also use the Repair toolset to remove small features from a part. You can use the Repair toolset to repair edges, faces, or the entire part. An overview of repair techniques, Section 47.2, provides an overview of the methods available for each type of partition. ABAQUS/CAE stores most of the repair operations as features. As a result, you can undo a repair by deleting or suppressing the corresponding feature using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
You can access the repair tools by selecting ToolsRepair from the main menu and choosing the desired tool from the Geometry Repair Tools dialog box that appears. You can also access the Repair tools through the Part module toolbox. Figure 471 shows the hidden icons for all the Repair tools in the Part module toolbox.