The Query toolset allows you to obtain information about your model. In most cases ABAQUS/CAE displays the requested information in the message area, and the same information is written to the replay file. Select ToolsQuery from the main menu bar to use the Query toolset, or select the query tool
from the toolbar.
You can always use the Query toolset to obtain general information about the model, regardless of which module you are using, although the Query toolset is not available in the Sketch module or the Job module. The items under General Queries in the Query toolset provide the following general information:
Coordinates of a selected point or node
Distance between two selected points or nodes
The angle between two edges or faces or between an edge and a face
For a selected feature:
Feature name
Status (if the feature is suppressed or if it failed to regenerate)
Parent feature names
Child feature names
Shell/Membrane normals
Display shell/membrane normal directions
Beam/Truss tangents
Display beam/truss tangent directions
Mesh stack orientation
For hexahedral, wedge, and quadrilateral elements that you can use in a continuum shell, cohesive, or gasket mesh, ABAQUS/CAE indicates the mesh stack orientation. For hexahedral and wedge elements, ABAQUS/CAE colors the top face purple and the bottom face brown. For quadrilateral elements, arrows indicate the orientation of the elements. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE highlights any element faces and edges that have inconsistent orientation.
Part/Instance mesh
For a selected part or part instance:
Name of the part or part instance
Number of nodes
Number of elements
Number of elements for each element shape
For a selected element:
Element label
Element topology; for example, linear hexahedron
ABAQUS element name; for example, C3D8I
Nodal connectivity
Mesh gaps/intersections
For a selected part or part instance:
Display element edges of boundary faces with incompatible interfaces
Display element edges of boundary faces with cracks or gaps
Display element edges of boundary faces that intersect other faces
Deformed and undeformed coordinates of a selected node
Displacement of a selected node
Deformed and undeformed distance between two selected nodes
Relative displacement between two selected nodes
Number of nodes, number of elements, and element types contained in your model
In addition, the Query toolset can provide the following information specific to the module you are using:
Part module
The items under Part Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about the current part:
Part attributes
Modeling space
Type (deformable or rigid body)
Geometry diagnostics
Invalid, imprecise, or small geometry
Area properties
The total surface area and the coordinates of the centroid of selected faces
Volume properties
The volume and the coordinates of the centroid of a solid along with the moments of inertia about the global coordinate system
Property module
The items under Property Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about the current part:
Section assignments
Sections assigned to a selected region
Beam orientations
Beam orientations assigned to a selected wire region (ABAQUS/CAE displays the (,
) axis system on the selected wire region)
Material orientations
Material orientations assigned to a selected region
Rebar orientations
Rebar reference orientations assigned to a selected region
Assembly module
The items under Assembly Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about a selected part instance:
Instance attributes
Name, type, and modeling space
Instance position
Position of the origin relative to the global coordinate system
Sum of the translations and rotations applied to the instance
Number of translational and rotational constraints applied
Step module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Step module.
Interaction module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Interaction module.
Load module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Load module.
Mesh module
The items under Mesh Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about a selected region:
Region mesh
Number of nodes in the region
Number of elements in the region
Number of elements for each element shape and order
Element type
Technique that was used to mesh the region
Mesh algorithm and any options that were used to mesh the region
Number of logical corners in the region if ABAQUS/CAE used structured meshing to mesh the region
Geometry diagnostics
Invalid, imprecise, or small geometry
Job module
None of the ABAQUS/CAE toolsets are available in the Job module.
Sketch module
None of the ABAQUS/CAE toolsets are available in the Sketch module.
Visualization module
The items under Visualization Module Queries provide the following module-specific information:
Probe values. ABAQUS/CAE displays information in the Probe Values dialog box as you move the cursor around the current viewport. Probing a model plot displays model data and analysis results; probing an X–Y plot displays X–Y curve data.
Stress linearization. Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into constant membrane and linear bending stresses. ABAQUS/CAE performs stress linearization calculations and displays the results in the form of an X–Y plot.