11.16.4 Using the Query toolset in the Part module

Select ToolsQuery from the main menu bar, or click the query tool in the toolbar to start the Query toolset.

You can use the Query toolset to request either general information or module-specific information. For a discussion of the information displayed by general queries, see Obtaining general information about the model, Section 45.2.2.

The following queries are specific to the Part module:

Part attributes

ABAQUS/CAE displays the part name, modeling space, and type in the message area along with the shape (solid, shell, wire, or point) and the number of entities (cells, faces, edges, and vertices).

Geometry diagnostics

ABAQUS/CAE highlights the regions of the part that have invalid, imprecise, or small geometry. For more information, see Using the geometry diagnostic tools in the Part module, Section 11.28.

Area properties

ABAQUS/CAE displays the surface area and the centroid of selected faces of the part in the message area. If more than one face is selected, ABAQUS/CAE displays the total surface area of the selected faces.

Volume properties

ABAQUS/CAE displays the volume and the centroid of the solid features of the part in the message area along with the moments of inertia about the global coordinate system. ABAQUS/CAE computes the volume using only the solid features of the part; shell and wire features are not taken into consideration. ABAQUS/CAE does not display any volume information if the part contains only shell and/or wire features.

If the part is complex, ABAQUS/CAE may take a long time to compute the volume properties. The Query toolset allows you to control the computation time by telling ABAQUS/CAE to stop the computation when the requested relative accuracy has been achieved.

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