32.2.4 Creating or editing a circular path

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model. In a circular path, all of the points are model coordinate locations that lie on the circumference or along a radius of a circle. For information on alternative forms of path specification, see Creating a path through your model, Section 32.2.

You create a circular path by selecting nodes or entering coordinates to define the circle. After you define the circle, you use the circle's edge or a radius to define either a curved circumferential path or a straight radial path.

To create or edit a circular path:

  1. Locate the path creation and editing options.

    To create a new path:

    1. From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathCreate. The Create Path dialog box appears.

    2. ABAQUS displays a default name for the path in the Name text field. To provide a more meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if you wish).

    3. In the Create Path dialog box, click Circular; then click Continue.

    To edit an existing path:

    • From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathEdit. From the menu that appears, select the path you want to edit.

      Tip:  You can also use the Path Manager to edit a path. From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathManager to display the manager. Select the path you want to edit, and click Edit from the buttons on the right side of the manager.

    The Edit Circular Path dialog box appears.

  2. Select the path type, Circumferential or Radial.

    ABAQUS/CAE updates the dialog box to reflect the type of path you are creating. A Circumferential Path lies along the edge of the circle and requires a radius, a start angle, and an end angle to define its position and length. A Radial Path lies along a radius of the circle and requires a radial angle, a start value, and an end value to define its position and length.

  3. In the Circle Definition portion of the dialog box, select Origin Axis or 3 Points on Arc as the method to define the circle.

    The origin axis method uses two points to define the axis of rotation and one point in the plane of the circle to define the default radius length and the starting point of rotation. The three points on arc method fits a circle to three edge points.

  4. Click Select from Viewport to select nodes or enter coordinates to define the circle.

    ABAQUS/CAE closes the Edit Circular Path dialog box and displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  5. Select nodes from the viewport or use the text field in the prompt area to specify each point as X-, Y-, Z-coordinates separated by spaces or commas; for example, 1.0, 3.4, 2.0.

    ABAQUS/CAE opens the Edit Circular Path dialog box; the coordinates that you selected appear in the circle definition table. If you selected nodes, the coordinates used correspond to the current deformation state of the model.

    On the model plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS highlights all points included in the path and displays the path connectivity.

  6. You can edit a single point in the Circle Definition as follows:

    1. Position the cursor over the coordinates of the point.

    2. Click mouse button 3, and choose Edit selection.

    3. Select a node in the viewport, or edit the coordinates in the prompt area.

      When you make your selection or enter the new coordinates, ABAQUS/CAE returns to the Edit Circular Path dialog box and displays the redefined circle in the viewport.

  7. Select the number of segments to include in the path.

    ABAQUS/CAE modifies the path in the viewport to show the selected number of equal length segments.

  8. Complete the editing or creation of the circular path as follows:

    Circumferential paths

    Select the Radius, and select the Start angle and End angle of rotation. By default, ABAQUS uses the radius of the circle that you defined and rotates a full 360° starting at the first point that you selected on the circle—the only point on the circle if you chose the origin and axis method.

    Radial paths

    Select the Radial Angle, Start Radius, and End Radius. The default radial angle (0°) is from the center to the first point that you selected on the circumference of the circle—the only point on the circle if you chose the origin and axis method. The default starting radius is 0.0 (the center of the circle), and the default end radius is equal to the radius of the circle.

  9. When you are done, click OK.

    ABAQUS saves the path you have specified for the duration of the session. If you created a new path, ABAQUS/CAE adds the path name to the Path Manager list.

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