A path is a line you define by specifying a series of line segments in your model. In an edge list path the segments are defined by element edges and lines joining the ends of element edges. For information on including locations other than edges in a path, see Creating a path through your model, Section 32.2.
You create an edge list path by entering part instance names and edge labels into a table. Each edge label consists of an element number, a face number, an edge number, and a direction along the edge. Select edges from the viewport for entry into the table using a combination of three methods:
Select individual element edges.
Select an element edge and a direction along a feature edge and let ABAQUS/CAE automatically add the remaining edges up to one end of the feature.
Select an element edge and a node and let ABAQUS/CAE choose a shortest distance path along the element edges between them.
To create or edit an edge list path:
Locate the path creation and editing options.
To create a new path:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsPath
Create. The Create Path dialog box appears.
ABAQUS displays a default name for the path in the Name text field. To provide a more meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if you wish).
In the Create Path dialog box, click Edge list; then click Continue.
To edit an existing path:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsPath
Edit. From the menu that appears, select the path you want to edit.
You can also use the Path Manager to edit a path. From the main menu bar, select ToolsPath
Manager to display the manager. Select the path you want to edit, and click Edit from the buttons on the right side of the manager.
To create or edit a path by selecting edges in the viewport, click Add Before or Add After to begin making selections.
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to Select edges to be inserted into the path and closes the Edit Edge List Path dialog box.
Use the selection methods in the prompt area to select edges. Three edge selection methods are available:
Select individual element edges in the order that they should appear in the path; the selected edges need not be adjacent. If necessary, click Flip in the prompt area to reverse the connectivity of the last edge that you selected.
By feature edge
Select a starting edge that lies along a feature edge; ABAQUS/CAE will automatically select all the edges between your selection and the end of the feature edge. Click Flip to reverse the connectivity of the edge that you selected and the direction used for automatic selection.
By shortest distance
Select a starting edge and an endpoint (node); ABAQUS/CAE will automatically select the element edges that define the shortest path between your selections. Click Flip to reverse the connectivity of the edge that you selected and the direction used for automatic edge selection. If multiple routes exist with the same distance, ABAQUS/CAE selects one of them.
Note: The edge and node that you select must be on the same part instance.
ABAQUS highlights the edges as you select them and displays the node labels and the path connectivity. In addition, ABAQUS labels the first node in the path Start and the last node in the path End.
Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Edge List Path dialog box; the part instances and edges in your path are listed in the path definition table.
If desired, repeat the preceding steps to add additional edges.
The Add Before and Add After buttons determine where your selections will be added in relation to the currently highlighted line in the path definition table.
If desired, you can use standard keyboard and mouse editing techniques to insert, modify, or delete part instance names and edge labels in the Path Definition table. Edge labels are of the form (element number, face number, edge number, direction).
Tip: Use the Query toolset to query nodes in the viewport to obtain part instance names. Display element and face labels in the viewport using the options for the current plot mode. (For more information, see Customizing model labels, Section 37.6.) Edges are numbered clockwise around a face as viewed from outside the element. The direction (1 or 1) depends on your desired path connectivity.
After editing the Path Definition table, press [Enter].
ABAQUS updates the path displayed in the viewport.
When you are done selecting edges, click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE saves the path you have specified for the duration of the session. If you created a new path, ABAQUS/CAE adds the path name to the Path Manager list.