You can use the deformed plot options to customize the appearance of deformed plots. Select OptionsDeformed Shape from the main menu bar to access the Deformed Shape Plot Options dialog box. Click the following tabs to customize the appearance of deformed plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Choose render style, edge visibility, and whether to superimpose the undeformed plot.
Color & Style: Control model edge color and style and model face color.
Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Normals: Control element and surface normals.
Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:
Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
Offset: Control the offset of the deformed shape from the undeformed shape.
To learn how to customize the render style and other display characteristics of your deformed plot, see Chapter 37, Customizing plot display.”