22.3.4 Customizing your plots

The Visualization module provides numerous customization options, which are available through the Viewport, Options, and View menus of the main menu bar. These options fall into two categories:

Plot mode-dependent options

Plot mode-dependent options affect only plots in a particular plot mode. These are separate options affecting undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots; X–Y curves; X–Y graphs; time history animation; scale factor animation; and harmonic animation.

Plot mode-independent options

Plot mode-independent options are those that affect all plots collectively. These are options governing the viewpoint, graphics, individual item coloring, display body appearance, and such general characteristics as plot legends, axisymmetric sweeping, and the appearance of text blocks giving the model's title and state.

Plot mode-dependent options affect such plot attributes as the render style (for example, filled or wireframe model rendering), visible edges, and line thickness of your model. You control these attributes separately for each plot mode using the options associated with that mode. To choose the render style of your undeformed plot, for example, you must use the Undeformed Shape plot options. To do so, you can select OptionsUndeformed Shape from the main menu bar. Alternatively, you can use the Undeformed Shape Options button on the right side of the prompt area, as shown in the following figure:

The Options buttons provide quick access to the plot mode-dependent customization options applicable to the current viewport. Depending on the current plot mode, the right side of the prompt area contains zero, one, or two Options buttons. If you have an X–Y plot in the current viewport, both XY Curve Options and XY Plot Options buttons appear because both categories of options are applicable. Similarly, if you are in the scale factor, time history, or harmonic animation mode, two Options buttons appear. If the current viewport is in the fast plot mode, there are no plot mode-dependent customization options, and no Options button appears.

Plot mode-dependent options affect only plots in the associated mode. If you select a render style from the undeformed plot options dialog box, that render style will affect only undeformed plots. If the current viewport is in the undeformed plot mode, you will see the effect of your changes when you click Apply or OK in the undeformed plot options dialog box. However, if the current viewport is not in the undeformed plot mode, you will not see the effect of your changes until you produce an undeformed plot in the current viewport.

Plot mode-independent options affect plots across all plot modes. For example, if you select ViewportViewport Annotation Options from the main menu bar to suppress the appearance of the view triad, the view triad will be suppressed for plots in all plot modes.

Select FileSave Options from the main menu bar to save both your plot mode-dependent and plot mode-independent customization options. Saving your customization options allows you to apply them to subsequent ABAQUS/CAE sessions. For more information, see Saving your display options settings, Section 50.12. For more information on the plot customization options available in the Visualization module, see Chapter 37, Customizing plot display.”