If you change your display options settings (for example, if you change the render style or turn off the display of datum planes), you can store the new settings and apply them to future sessions. ABAQUS/CAE saves your settings in a file called abaqus_v6.gpr. When you start a new session, ABAQUS/CAE loads this file and applies the settings.
From the main menu bar, select FileSave Options to save your modified settings. The Save Options dialog box appears and allows you to do either of the following:
Save abaqus_v6.gpr in your home directory and apply the settings to all subsequent ABAQUS/CAE sessions.
Save abaqus_v6.gpr in a local directory and apply the settings to any ABAQUS/CAE sessions that you start from that directory.
If abaqus_v6.gpr exists in the local directory from which you start a session, ABAQUS/CAE loads the settings from the local version of abaqus_v6.gpr and ignores any settings in the abaqus_v6.gpr file in your home directory. In other words, ABAQUS/CAE uses the settings in the version of abaqus_v6.gpr in your home directory only if the file does not exist in your local directory.
ABAQUS/CAE saves the following in abaqus_v6.gpr:
Part and assembly display options; for example, render style, the visibility of prescribed conditions and the various types of datum geometry, and the display of mesh, element, and node labels.
Graphics options and viewport annotation options. ABAQUS/CAE also saves the perspective setting.
Print options.
Display options in the Visualization module; for example, the render style and fill color in undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots.
Animation options in the Visualization module.
Other options in the Visualization module, such as probe, field report, X–Y plot, and X–Y report options.
In addition, when you exit a session, ABAQUS/CAE saves certain GUI settings (for example, the size and location of the main window and the size and location of a particular dialog box). ABAQUS/CAE always saves these GUI settings in abaqus_v6.gpr in your home directory and applies them to all your subsequent sessions. For more information, see Saving your ABAQUS/CAE GUI settings, Section 3.6.