You can create a connector moment to apply a concentrated moment to the available components of relative motion of connectors.
To create or edit a connector moment:
Display the connector moment load editor using one of the following methods:
To create a new connector moment, follow the procedure outlined in Creating loads, Section 16.8.1 (Category: Mechanical; Types for Selected Step: Connector moment).
To edit an existing connector moment using menus or managers, see Editing step-dependent objects, Section 3.4.12. To edit the connectors to which the connector moment is applied, see Respecifying the connectors to which a load or boundary condition is applied, Section 16.8.5.
In the available M1, M2, and M3 text fields, enter the components of the moment for each available rotational component of relative motion (units FL).
If you leave a text field blank, a moment of zero is assigned to that component of relative motion automatically. However, you must enter at least one nonzero component in the editor to define the load.
Caution: The connector moment will be applied regardless of whether the connector moment exceeds the failure criteria for the connector.
If desired, click the arrow to the right of the Amplitude field, and select the amplitude of your choice from the list that appears. (See Chapter 39, The Amplitude toolset,” for more information.)
Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.