14.13.1 Defining an adaptive mesh region

You can define regions of the model where you want adaptivity in fully coupled thermal-stress, coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress, geometrically nonlinear general static, and explicit dynamic steps. For more information, see Defining adaptive mesh domains in ABAQUS/Explicit, Section 7.17.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, and Defining adaptive mesh domains in ABAQUS/Standard, Section 7.17.6 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.

Note:  Currently, you can define only one adaptive mesh domain for any particular step.

To apply adaptive meshing to a region:

  1. From the main menu bar, select OtherAdaptive Mesh DomainManager.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager showing the steps defined in the model and the adaptive meshing controls associated with each step.

  2. In the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager, select the step during which you will configure the adaptive meshing, and click Edit.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the adaptive mesh domain editor.

  3. At the top of the editor, select Use the adaptive mesh domain below.

  4. Provide the following data:

    1. Click Edit next to the Region field, and use one of the following methods to select the region you want to remesh:

      • Use an existing set to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click Sets. Select an existing set from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and click Continue.

        Note:  The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other method, click Select in Viewport or Sets on the right side of the prompt area.

      • Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see Selecting objects within the current viewport, Section 6.2.) Click mouse button 2 to indicate you have finished selecting.

      The region that you select becomes highlighted in red in the viewport.

    2. If you want to specify nondefault adaptive mesh controls, toggle on Adaptive mesh controls and then select the name of the adaptive mesh controls to associate with the region.

      If you have not yet created mesh controls, you can click Create to the right of the Adaptive mesh controls field to define the controls that you want to assign to the adaptive mesh domain. See Specifying controls for adaptive remeshing, Section 14.13.2.

    3. Type the Frequency, in increments, at which ABAQUS/CAE will remesh the region.

    4. Type the number of Remeshing sweeps per increment. An increment in this case is each adaptive mesh increment, as defined by the Frequency setting above.

    5. For adaptive meshing in ABAQUS/Explicit steps, type the number of Initial remeshing sweeps that ABAQUS/CAE will apply at the beginning of the step.

  5. Click OK to save the settings and to close the adaptive mesh domain editor.

    The Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager displays the adaptive mesh controls associated with the step.

  6. Click Dismiss to close the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager.

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