Select ShapeWire
Spline from the main menu bar to add a wire feature connecting multiple points from the part in the current viewport. The spline wire tool is always available, regardless of the modeling space of the part in the current viewport.
You add a spline wire feature by picking a series of points to connect from the current part. ABAQUS/CAE calculates the shape of the curve using a cubic spline fit between all points along the spline; in addition, the first and second derivatives of the spline are continuous. A spline wire feature is illustrated in the following figure:
A spline wire feature cannot be modified directly. If you want to change which points are connected or the connection order, you must delete the wire and create a new wire connecting the desired points. However, since the spline wire is dependent on points created by other features, you can modify the spline by using the Feature Manipulation toolset to modify the features that created the points.
Though you cannot create a part with a nonplanar wire base feature, you can create a nonplanar spline wire feature by using a single point in space as the base feature and entering coordinates for the remaining points. In this case, the starting point is the only point that you can edit to modify the wire. You can also use datum points, in which case you can edit all points.
To add a spline wire feature:
From the main menu bar, select ShapeWire
ABAQUS/CAE highlights all the points that you can pick. The possible choices are:
The midpoints of lines and arcs
The centers of circles and arcs
Datum points
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
You can also add a spline wire feature using the tool, located with the wire tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see Using the Part module toolbox, Section 11.17.
Select the points through which the wire will pass.
If you are unable to select the desired points, you can change the selection behavior by clicking the selection options tool in the prompt area. For more information, see Using the selection options, Section 6.3.
Toggle off Merge wire with part geometry to create the entire spline wire, regardless of where it passes through existing part faces. With this option turned off, the only case in which a portion of the wire feature is not created is when it coincides with an existing feature edge. Merge wire with part geometry is on by default. If you leave it on, the wire feature will be created only where it extends beyond the faces of the part.
Click Done to create the spline wire feature.