Most ABAQUS elements are supported in the Visualization module, with the following limitations:
User-defined normals are not supported for gasket elements.
Slide line elements applied to asymmetric-axisymmetric models are always displayed in the =0° plane, regardless of the specified
for the element.
Swept contour plots of CAXA elements may include colors that do not represent the current state at the nodes. Use of two Fourier modes improves the appearance, but for best results print the integration point values using ReportField Output.
Table C1 and Table C2 list the output variables that are not supported by the Visualization module or the output database.
Table C1 Unsupported ABAQUS/Standard variables.
CHRGS | Current values of distributed electrical charges. |
CONF | Number of cracks at a concrete material point. |
CRACK | Unit normal to cracks in concrete. |
CS11 | Average contact pressure for link and three-dimensional line gasket elements. |
DG, DGij | Deformation gradient. |
DGP, DGPn | Principal stretches. |
ECURS | Current values of distributed electrical currents. |
FILM | Current values of *FILM conditions. |
FLUXS | Current values of distributed (heat or concentration) fluxes. |
FOUND | Current values of foundation pressures. |
GPU, GPUn | Phase angle of generalized displacements for modal analysis. |
GPV, GPVn | Phase angle of generalized velocities for modal analysis. |
GPA, GPAn | Phase angle of generalized accelerations for modal analysis. |
LOADS | Current values of distributed loads. |
MAXSS | Maximum axial stress on a section. |
PHCHG | Reactive charge magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHE, PHEij | Strain magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHEPG, PHEPGn | Electrical potential gradient vector magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHEFL, PHEFLn | Electrical flux vector magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHMFL | Mass flow rate magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHMFT | Total mass flow magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHPOT | Electrical potential magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PHS, PHSij | Stress magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PPOR | Fluid, pore, or acoustic pressure magnitude and phase angle for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PRF, PRFn, PRMn | Reaction force and moment magnitudes and phase angles for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PTU, PTUn, PTURn | Total displacement and rotation magnitudes and phase angles for mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis. |
PU, PUn, PURn | Displacement and rotation magnitudes and phase angles for steady-state dynamic analysis. |
RAD | Current values of *RADIATE. |
SJP | Strain jumps at nodes. (Use the contour averaging options to obtain this variable.) |
SOAREA | Area of the defined section. |
SOCF | Center of the total force in the section. |
SOD | Total mass flow across the section. |
SOE | Total current across the section. |
SOF | Total force in the section. |
SOH | Total heat flux across the section. |
SOM | Total moment in the section. |
SOP | Total pore fluid volume flux across the section. |
SS, SSn | Substresses for ITS elements. |
SSAVGn | Average shell section stress component n. |
TPFL | Total pore fluid volume flux leaving the slave surface. |
TPTL | Time integrated TPFL. |
Connector output for steady-state dynamic analysis. | |
Element output for user elements. |
Table C2 Unsupported ABAQUS/Explicit variables.
BONDSTAT | Spot weld bond status for nodes. |
BONDLOAD | Spot weld bond load for nodes. |
CKE, CKEij | Cracking strain in global directions. |
CKEMAG | Cracking strain magnitude. |
CKLE, CKLEij | Cracking strain in local crack directions. |
CKLS, CKLSij | Cracking stress in local crack directions. |
CKSTAT | Crack status of each crack. |
CRACK | Crack orientations. |
EIHEDEN | Internal heat energy density. |
ESEDEN | Total elastic strain energy density. |
SSAVGn | Average membrane or transverse shear stress component n. |