Product: ABAQUS/Standard
For coupled electrical-thermal analysis in ABAQUS/Standard the user can introduce a factor, , which defines the fraction of electrical dissipation in the contact zone converted to heat. The fraction of generated heat into the first and second surface,
, respectively, can also be defined.
The heat fraction, , determines the fraction of the energy dissipated due to electrical current that enters the contacting bodies as heat. Heat is instantaneously conducted into each of the contacting bodies depending on the values of
. The contact interface is assumed to have no heat capacity and may have properties for the exchange of heat by conduction and radiation.
The heat flux densities, , going out the surface on side 1, and
, going out the surface on side 2, are given by
The heat flux due to conduction is assumed to be of the form
The heat flux due to radiation is assumed to be of the form
The electrical flux density, , in the interface element is given in terms of the difference in the electric potential,
, across the interface:
In a steady-state analysis the heat flux density generated by the interface element due to electrical current is given by
Using the Galerkin method, the weak form of the equations can be written as
For small-sliding interface elements, each integration point is associated with a unique slave node. If we associate with the slave surface, then
will have only a single nonzero entry equal to one. In contrast, on the master surface, there will be multiple nonzero entries in
Similarly, the contribution to the variational statement of electrical equilibrium is