This option is used to transfer solution variables from an earlier analysis to a new mesh that occupies the same space.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Model
Set this parameter equal to the increment number from which the old solution will be read. If this parameter is omitted, the last increment for which a solution is available will be read.
The STEP parameter must be specified if the INC parameter is used.
Set this parameter equal to the step number from which the old solution will be read. If this parameter is omitted, the last step and increment for which a solution is available will be read.
Set UNBALANCED STRESS=RAMP (default) if the stress unbalance is to be resolved linearly over the step.
Set UNBALANCED STRESS=STEP if the stress unbalance is to be resolved in the first increment.
First (and only) line:
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
First line:
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
Value of the translation to be applied in the -direction.
Enter values of zero to apply a pure rotation.
Second line:
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation (see Figure 13.11).
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation.
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation.
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation.
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation.
-coordinate of point
on the axis of rotation.
Angle of rotation about the axis –
, in degrees.
If both translation and rotation are specified, translation is applied before rotation.