Specify initial conditions for the model.

This option is used to prescribe initial conditions for an analysis.

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  ABAQUS/Aqua  

Type: Model data

Level: Model  


Required parameters:


Set TYPE=ACOUSTIC STATIC PRESSURE to define initial static pressure values at acoustic nodes for use in evaluating the cavitation status of the acoustic element nodes in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Set TYPE=CONCENTRATION to give initial normalized concentrations for a mass diffusion analysis in ABAQUS/Standard.

Set TYPE=CONTACT to specify initial bonded contact conditions on part of the slave surface identified by a node set in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.

Set TYPE=FIELD to specify initial values of field variables. The VARIABLE parameter can be used with this parameter to define the field variable number. The STEP and INC parameters can be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial values of field variables based on the temperature record of a results file from a previous ABAQUS/Standard heat transfer analysis.

Set TYPE=FLUID PRESSURE to give initial pressures for hydrostatic fluid filled cavities.

Set TYPE=HARDENING to prescribe initial equivalent plastic strain and, if relevant, the initial backstress tensor or to prescribe initial volumetric compacting plastic strain for the crushable foam model. In ABAQUS/Standard the REBAR and USER parameters can be used with this parameter. If the USER parameter is omitted, ABAQUS/Standard assumes that the initial conditions are defined on the data lines.

Set TYPE=MASS FLOW RATE to specify initial values of mass flow rates in ABAQUS/Standard heat transfer analyses involving forced convection modeled with the forced convection/diffusion heat transfer elements.

Set TYPE=PORE PRESSURE to give initial pore fluid pressures for a coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analysis in ABAQUS/Standard.

Set TYPE=POROSITY to give initial porosity values for materials defined with the *EOS COMPACTION option in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Set TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS to give initial pressure stresses for a mass diffusion analysis in ABAQUS/Standard. The STEP and INC parameters can be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial values of pressure stress from the results file of a previous ABAQUS/Standard stress/displacement analysis.

Set TYPE=RATIO to give initial void ratio values for a coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analysis in ABAQUS/Standard. The USER parameter can be used with this parameter to define initial void ratio values in user subroutine VOIDRI.

Set TYPE=RELATIVE DENSITY to give initial relative density values for materials defined with the *POROUS METAL PLASTICITY option.

Set TYPE=ROTATING VELOCITY to prescribe initial velocities in terms of an angular velocity and a global translational velocity.

Set TYPE=SATURATION to give initial saturation values for the analysis of flow through a porous medium in ABAQUS/Standard. If no initial saturation values are given on this option, the default is fully saturated conditions (saturation of 1.0). For partial saturation the initial saturation and the pore fluid pressure must be consistent in the sense that the pore fluid pressure must lie within the range of absorption and exsorption values for the initial saturation value. If this is not the case, ABAQUS/Standard will adjust the saturation value as needed to satisfy this requirement.

Set TYPE=SOLUTION to give initial values of solution-dependent state variables. The REBAR and, in ABAQUS/Standard, USER parameters can be used with this parameter. If TYPE=SOLUTION is used without the USER parameter, element average quantities of the solution-dependent state variables must be defined on each data line.

Set TYPE=SPECIFIC ENERGY to give initial specific energy values for materials defined with the *EOS option in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Set TYPE=SPUD EMBEDMENT to give the initial embedment for a spud can in an ABAQUS/Aqua analysis.

Set TYPE=SPUD PRELOAD to give the initial preload value for a spud can in an ABAQUS/Aqua analysis.

Set TYPE=STRESS to give initial stresses. (These stresses are effective stresses when the analysis includes pore fluid flow.) The GEOSTATIC; the REBAR; the SECTION POINTS; and, in ABAQUS/Standard, the USER parameters can be used with this parameter. If TYPE=STRESS is used without the USER parameter, it is assumed that the stress components are defined on each data line in the order given for the element type, as defined in Part V, Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.

Set TYPE=TEMPERATURE to give initial temperatures. The STEP and INC parameters can be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial temperatures from the results or output database file of a previous ABAQUS/Standard heat transfer analysis.

Set TYPE=VELOCITY to prescribe initial velocities. Initial velocities should be defined in the global directions, regardless of the use of the *TRANSFORM option.


This parameter is used only with the FILE parameter. The parameter specifies the step in the results file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of TYPE=FIELD, TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS, or TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read. It can also specify the step in the output database file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read.


This parameter is used only with the FILE parameter. The parameter specifies the increment in the results file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of TYPE=FIELD, TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS, or TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read. It can also specify the increment in the output database file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read.

Optional parameters:


This parameter is relevant only for use with the INTERPOLATE parameter. Set this parameter equal to the absolute value (given in the units used in the model) by which nodes of the current model may lie outside the region of the model in the output database specified by the FILE parameter. If this parameter is not used or has a value of 0.0, the EXTERIOR TOLERANCE parameter will apply.


This parameter is relevant only for use with the INTERPOLATE parameter. Set this parameter equal to the fraction of the average element size by which nodes of the current model may lie outside the region of the elements of the model in the output database specified by the FILE parameter. The default value is 0.05.

If both tolerance parameters are specified, ABAQUS uses the tighter tolerance.


Set this parameter equal to the name of the results file from which initial field variable or pressure stress data are to be read. Set this parameter equal to the name of the results file or output database file from which initial temperature data are to be read. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the STEP and INC parameters.


This parameter is used only with TYPE=STRESS to specify that a geostatic stress state, in which stresses vary with elevation only, is being defined.


Set this parameter equal to the name of the alternate input file containing the data lines for this option. See Input syntax rules, Section 1.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for the syntax of such file names. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the data follow the keyword line.


Include this parameter in conjunction with the FILE, STEP, and INC parameters to indicate that the temperature field needs to be interpolated between dissimilar meshes. This feature is used to read temperatures from an output database file generated during a heat transfer analysis. This parameter and the MIDSIDE parameter are mutually exclusive. If the heat transfer analysis uses first-order elements and the current mesh is the same but uses second-order elements, use the MIDSIDE parameter instead.


This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.

Include this parameter in conjunction with the FILE, STEP, and INC parameters to indicate that midside node temperatures in second-order elements are to be interpolated from corner node temperatures. This feature is used to read temperatures from a results or output database file generated during a heat transfer analysis using first-order elements. This parameter and the INTERPOLATE parameter are mutually exclusive.


This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.

This parameter can be used only with TYPE=CONTACT to specify that the nodes in the node set (or the contact pair, if a node set is not defined) are bonded only in the normal (contact) direction and are allowed to move freely in the tangential direction. If the nodes in the node set (or the contact pair) are to be bonded in all directions, this parameter should be omitted.


This parameter can be used with TYPE=HARDENING in ABAQUS/Standard, TYPE=SOLUTION, or TYPE=STRESS.

When used with TYPE=HARDENING in ABAQUS/Standard, it specifies that rebars are in a work hardened state, with initial equivalent plastic strain and, possibly, initial backstress.

When used with TYPE=SOLUTION, it specifies that rebars are being assigned initial solution-dependent state variable values.

When used with TYPE=STRESS, it specifies that prestress in rebars is being defined. When performing an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, some iteration will usually be needed in this case to establish a self-equilibrating stress state in the rebar and concrete. The *PRESTRESS HOLD option can be useful for post-tensioning simulations (see Defining rebar as an element property, Section 2.2.4 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).


This parameter is used only with TYPE=STRESS and TYPE=HARDENING to specify stresses and hardening variables at individual section points through the thickness of a shell element. This parameter can be used only when shell properties are defined using the *SHELL SECTION option. It cannot be used when properties are defined using the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.


This parameter is used only with TYPE=STRESS.

Set UNBALANCED STRESS=RAMP (default) if the unbalanced stress is to be resolved linearly over the step.

Set UNBALANCED STRESS=STEP if the unbalanced stress is to be resolved in the first increment.


This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.


When used with TYPE=HARDENING, it specifies that the initial conditions on equivalent plastic strain and, if relevant, backstress tensor are to be given via user subroutine HARDINI (HARDINI, Section 25.2.11 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

When used with TYPE=PORE PRESSURE, it specifies that initial pore pressures are to be given via user subroutine UPOREP (UPOREP, Section 25.2.35 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

When used with TYPE=RATIO, it specifies that initial void ratios are to be given via user subroutine VOIDRI (VOIDRI, Section 25.2.45 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

When used with TYPE=SOLUTION, it specifies that initial solution-dependent state variable fields are to be given via user subroutine SDVINI (SDVINI, Section 25.2.16 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

When used with TYPE=STRESS, it specifies that stresses are to be given via user subroutine SIGINI (SIGINI, Section 25.2.17 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).


This parameter is used only with TYPE=FIELD when it is used to define the field variable number. The default is VARIABLE=1. Any number of separate field variables can be used: each must be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, etc.)


First (and only) line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Hydrostatic pressure at the first reference point.

  3. -coordinate of the first reference point.

  4. -coordinate of the first reference point.

  5. -coordinate of the first reference point.

  6. Hydrostatic pressure at the second reference point.

  7. -coordinate of the second reference point.

  8. -coordinate of the second reference point.

  9. -coordinate of the second reference point.


First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Initial normalized concentration value at the node.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the initial normalized concentration at various nodes or node sets.

Data lines for TYPE=CONTACT

First line:

  1. Slave surface name.

  2. Master surface name.

  3. Name of the node set associated with the slave surface.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define partially bonded surfaces.

Data lines for TYPE=FIELD, VARIABLE=n

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Initial value of this field variable at the first temperature point. For shells and beams several values (or a value and the field variable gradients across the section) can be given at each node (see Beam modeling: overview, Section 15.3.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, as well as Shell elements: overview, Section 15.6.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual). For heat transfer shells the field variables at each temperature point through the shell thickness must be specified. The number of values depends on the (maximum) number of points specified on the data lines associated with the *SHELL SECTION options.

  3. Initial value of this field variable at the second temperature point.

  4. Etc., up to seven values.

Subsequent lines (only needed if initial values must be specified at more than seven temperature points at any node):

  1. Eighth initial value of this field variable at this temperature point.

  2. Etc., up to eight initial values per line.

It may be necessary to leave blank data lines for some nodes if any other node in the model has more than seven field variable points because the total number of field variables that ABAQUS expects to read for any node is based on the maximum number of field variable values for all the nodes in the model. These trailing initial values will be zero and will not be used in the analysis.

Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define initial temperatures at various nodes or node sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=FIELD, VARIABLE=n, FILE=file, STEP=step, INC=inc


First line:

  1. Node set or node number of fluid cavity reference node.

  2. Fluid pressure.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial fluid pressure for various fluid-filled cavities.

Data lines to prescribe initial equivalent plastic strain or backstresses using TYPE=HARDENING if the REBAR, SECTION POINTS, and USER parameters are omitted: 

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Initial equivalent plastic strain, .

  3. First value of the initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

  4. Second value of the initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

  5. Etc., up to six backstress components. (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

Give the backstress components as defined for this element type in Part V, Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. Values given on the data lines are applied uniformly over the element. In any element for which an *ORIENTATION option applies, backstresses must be given in the local system (Orientations, Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the hardening parameters for various elements or element sets.

Data lines to prescribe initial volumetric compacting plastic strain for the crushable foam model using TYPE=HARDENING

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Initial volumetric compacting plastic strain, .

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the initial volumetric compacting plastic strain for various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Rebar name. If this field is left blank, the initial conditions will be applied to all rebars in the model.

  3. Initial equivalent plastic strain, .

  4. Initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the hardening parameters for rebars in various elements or element sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=HARDENING, USER


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Section point number.

  3. Initial equivalent plastic strain, .

  4. First value of the initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

  5. Second value of the initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

  6. Third value of the initial backstress, . (Only relevant for the kinematic hardening models.)

Give the stress components as defined for this element type in Part V, Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. In any element for which an *ORIENTATION option applies, the backstress components must be given in the local system (Orientations, Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the hardening parameters in various elements or element sets. The hardening parameters must be defined at all section points within an element.

Data lines for TYPE=MASS FLOW RATE

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Initial mass flow rate per unit area in the -direction or total initial mass flow rate in the cross-section for one-dimensional elements.

  3. Initial mass flow rate per unit area in the -direction (not needed for nodes associated with one-dimensional convective flow elements).

  4. Initial mass flow rate per unit area in the -direction (not needed for nodes associated with one-dimensional convective flow elements).

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define mass flow rates at various nodes or node sets.

Data lines for TYPE=PORE PRESSURE if the USER parameter is omitted: 

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. First value of fluid pore pressure, .

  3. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

  4. Second value of fluid pore pressure, .

  5. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

Omit the elevation values and the second pore pressure value to define a constant pore pressure distribution.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the fluid pore pressure at various nodes or node sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=PORE PRESSURE, USER

Data lines for TYPE=POROSITY

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Initial porosity.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial porosity in various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Equivalent pressure stress, .

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the pressure stress at various nodes or node sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS, FILE=file, STEP=step, INC=inc

Data lines for TYPE=RATIO if the USER parameter is omitted: 

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. First value of void ratio.

  3. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

  4. Second value of void ratio.

  5. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

Omit the elevation values and the second void ratio value to define a constant void ratio distribution.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define void ratios at various nodes or node sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=RATIO, USER


First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Initial relative density.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial relative density at various nodes or node sets.


First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Angular velocity about the axis defined from point to point , where the coordinates of and are given below.

  3. Global -component of translational velocity.

  4. Global -component of translational velocity.

  5. Global -component of translational velocity.

Second line:

  1. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

  2. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

  3. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

  4. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

  5. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

  6. Global -component of point on the axis of rotation.

Repeat this pair of data lines as often as necessary to define the angular and translational velocities at various nodes or node sets.

Data lines for TYPE=SATURATION

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Saturation value, . Default is 1.0.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define saturation at various nodes or node sets.

Data lines for TYPE=SOLUTION if the USER and REBAR parameters are omitted: 

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Value of first solution-dependent state variable.

  3. Value of second solution-dependent state variable.

  4. Etc., up to seven solution-dependent state variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if more than seven solution-dependent state variables exist in the model):

  1. Value of eighth solution-dependent state variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight solution-dependent state variables per line.

It may be necessary to leave blank data lines for some elements if any other element in the model has more solution-dependent state variables because the total number of variables that ABAQUS expects to read for any element is based on the maximum number of solution-dependent state variables for all the elements in the model. These trailing initial values will be zero and will not be used in the analysis. Values given on the data lines will be applied uniformly over the element.

Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define initial values of solution-dependent state variables for various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Rebar name. If this field is left blank, the solution-dependent state variables are applied to all rebars in these elements.

  3. Value of first solution-dependent state variable.

  4. Value of second solution-dependent state variable.

  5. Etc., up to six solution-dependent state variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if more than six solution-dependent state variables exist in the model):

  1. Value of seventh solution-dependent state variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight solution-dependent state variables per line.

It may be necessary to leave blank data lines for some elements if any other element in the model has more solution-dependent state variables because the total number of variables that ABAQUS expects to read for any element is based on the maximum number of solution-dependent state variables for all the elements in the model. These trailing initial values will be zero and will not be used in the analysis. Values given on the data lines will be applied uniformly over the element.

Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define initial values of solution-dependent state variables for various elements or element sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=SOLUTION, USER


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Initial specific energy.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial specific energy in various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Element set or element number.

  2. Spud can embedment, .

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial embedment for various elements or element sets.

Data lines for TYPE=SPUD PRELOAD

First line:

  1. Element set or element number.

  2. Spud can preload, .

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial preload for various elements or element sets.

Data lines for TYPE=STRESS if the GEOSTATIC, REBAR, SECTION POINTS, and USER parameters are omitted: 

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Value of first (effective) stress component, axial force when used with the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION or *FRAME SECTION options, or direct membrane force per unit width in the local 1-direction when used with the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.

  3. Value of second stress component.

  4. Etc., up to six stress components.

Give the stress components as defined for this element type in Part V, Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. Stress values given on data lines are applied uniformly and equally over all integration points of the element. In any element for which an *ORIENTATION option applies, the stresses must be given in the local system (Orientations, Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial stresses in various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. First value of vertical component of (effective) stress.

  3. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

  4. Second value of vertical component of (effective) stress.

  5. Vertical coordinate corresponding to the above value.

  6. First coefficient of lateral stress. This coefficient defines the -direction stress components.

  7. Second coefficient of lateral stress. This coefficient defines the -direction stress component in three-dimensional cases and the thickness or hoop direction component in plane or axisymmetric cases. If this value is omitted, it is assumed to be the same as the first lateral stress coefficient given in the previous field.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define an initial geostatic stress state in various elements or element sets.

Data lines for TYPE=STRESS, REBAR

First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Rebar name. If this field is left blank, the stress is applied to all rebars in these elements.

  3. Prestress value.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial stress in the rebars of various elements or element sets.


First line:

  1. Element number or element set label.

  2. Section point number.

  3. Value of first stress component.

  4. Value of second stress component.

  5. Etc., up to three stress components.

Give the stress components as defined for this element type in Part V, Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. Stress values given on data lines are applied uniformly over the element. In any element for which an *ORIENTATION option applies, the stresses must be given in the local system (Orientations, Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual).

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial stresses in various elements or element sets. Stresses must be defined at all section points within an element.

No data lines are required for TYPE=STRESS, USER


First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. First initial temperature value at the node or node set. For shells and beams several values (or a value and the temperature gradients across the section) can be given at each node (see Using a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior, Section 15.3.6 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual; Using a general beam section to define the section behavior, Section 15.3.7 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual; Using a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior, Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual; and Using a general shell section to define the section behavior, Section 15.6.6 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual). For heat transfer shells the temperature at each point through the shell thickness must be specified. The number of values depends on the (maximum) number of points specified on the data lines associated with the *SHELL SECTION options.

  3. Second initial temperature value at the node or node set.

  4. Etc., up to seven initial temperature values at this node or node set.

Subsequent lines (only needed if there are more than seven temperature values at any node):

  1. Eighth initial temperature value at this node or node set.

  2. Etc., up to eight initial temperature values per line.

If more than seven temperature values are needed at any node, continue on the next line. It may be necessary to leave blank data lines for some nodes if any other node in the model has more than seven temperature points because the total number of temperatures that ABAQUS expects to read for any node is based on the maximum number of temperature values of all the nodes in the model. These trailing initial values will be zero and will not be used in the analysis.

Repeat this data line (or set of lines) as often as necessary to define initial temperatures at various nodes or node sets.

No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE, FILE=file, STEP=step, INC=inc

No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE, MIDSIDE, FILE=file, STEP=step, INC=inc

No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE, INTERPOLATE, FILE=file, STEP=step, INC=inc

Data lines for TYPE=VELOCITY

First line:

  1. Node set or node number.

  2. Degree of freedom.

  3. Value of initial velocity.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the initial velocity at various nodes or node sets.