This option is used to define a fluid inflator property to model the deployment of an airbag.
Product: ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part Part Instance
This parameter is relevant only for TYPE=DUAL PRESSURE and TYPE=PRESSURE AND MASS.
Set this parameter equal to the total inflator orifice area.
Set this parameter equal to a name that will be used to refer to the fluid inflator property.
This parameter is relevant only for TYPE=DUAL PRESSURE or TYPE=TANK TEST.
Set this parameter equal to the tank volume.
Set TYPE=DUAL PRESSURE to use the dual pressure method to obtain the mass flow rate of the gas species.
Set TYPE=PRESSURE AND MASS to use the given mass flow rate and inflator pressure to obtain the gas temperature.
Set TYPE=TANK TEST to use tank test data to obtain the mass flow rate of the gas species.
Set TYPE=TEMPERATURE AND MASS to use the given mass flow rate and inflator gas temperature to obtain the gas pressure.
This parameter is relevant only for TYPE=DUAL PRESSURE and TYPE=PRESSURE AND MASS.
Set this parameter equal to the discharge coefficient of the inflator orifice. The default value is 0.4.
First line:
Inflator time.
Inflator pressure.
Tank pressure.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the inflator pressure and tank pressure as functions of inflation time.
First line:
Inflation time.
Inflator pressure.
Inflator mass flow rate.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the inflator pressure and inflator mass flow rate as functions of inflation time.