This option is used in conjunction with the *EXTREME ELEMENT VALUE and/or the *EXTREME NODE VALUE options to indicate that nodal and element variables are to be monitored in the current step and compared with user-specified values. For each variable specified with these options, the maximum, minimum, or absolute maximum value attained during the course of the analysis and the associated element or node number will be written to the status (.sta) file at the end of the step. Use the *EXTREME VALUE option without the *EXTREME ELEMENT VALUE or *EXTREME NODE VALUE options and without any parameters to stop monitoring variables in a new step.
Product: ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
Set HALT=NO (default) if the analysis should continue even if the variables have exceeded the user-specified bounds.
Set HALT=YES to stop the analysis at the first occurrence of a variable exceeding its user-specifed bound. The analysis will be stopped after the increment following the one in which such an occurrence took place.