Dynamic stress/displacement analysis.

This option is used to provide direct integration of a dynamic stress/displacement response in ABAQUS/Standard analyses and is generally used for nonlinear cases. It is used to perform a dynamic stress/displacement analysis using explicit integration in ABAQUS/Explicit. The analysis in both ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit can also be adiabatic.

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: History data

Level: Step  

Defining a dynamic analysis in ABAQUS/Standard


Optional parameter for the subspace projection method: 


Include this parameter to choose the subspace projection method (explicit integration of the model projected onto the eigenvectors obtained in the last *FREQUENCY step preceding this step).

If this parameter is omitted, implicit time integration of the dynamic equations for all global level degrees of freedom is used.

Optional parameters for the general implicit integration method: 


Include this parameter if an adiabatic stress analysis is to be performed. This parameter is relevant only for isotropic metal plasticity materials with a Mises yield surface and when the *INELASTIC HEAT FRACTION option has been specified.


Set this parameter equal to a nondefault value of the numerical (artificial) damping control parameter, , in the implicit operator. Allowable values are (no damping) to –.333 (maximum damping). The default is ALPHA=–0.05, which provides slight numerical damping.


Include this parameter to choose direct user control of the incrementation through the step. If this parameter is used, constant increments of the size defined on the data line are used. If it is omitted and the HAFTOL parameter is specified, ABAQUS/Standard will choose the increments (after trying the user's initial time increment for the first attempt at the first increment). The DIRECT and HAFTOL parameters are mutually exclusive.

The DIRECT parameter may have the value NO STOP. If this value is included, the solution to an increment is accepted after the maximum number of iterations allowed (as defined in the *CONTROLS option) have been done, even if the equilibrium tolerances are not satisfied. Small increments and a minimum of two iterations are usually necessary if this value is used. This approach is not generally recommended; it should be used only in special cases when the analyst has a thorough understanding of how to interpret results obtained in this way.


Set this parameter equal to the half-step residual tolerance to be used with the automatic time incrementation scheme. For automatic time incrementation this value controls the accuracy of the solution. If this parameter is omitted, ABAQUS/Standard will use a fixed time increment. The DIRECT and HAFTOL parameters are mutually exclusive.

The HAFTOL parameter has dimensions of force and is usually chosen by comparison with typical actual force values, such as applied forces or expected reaction forces. The following guidelines may be helpful. For problems where considerable plasticity or other dissipation is expected to damp out the high frequency response, choose HAFTOL as 10 to 100 times typical actual force values for moderate accuracy and low cost; choose HAFTOL as 1 to 10 times typical actual force values for higher accuracy. In such cases smaller values of HAFTOL are usually not needed.

For elastic cases with little damping the high frequency modes usually remain important throughout the problem; therefore, HAFTOL values should be smaller than recommended above. Choose HAFTOL as 1 to 10 times typical actual force values for moderate accuracy; choose HAFTOL as 0.1 to 1 times actual force values for higher accuracy.


By default, ABAQUS/Standard will calculate or recalculate accelerations at the beginning of the step. Set INITIAL=NO to bypass the calculation of initial accelerations at the beginning of the step.

If INITIAL=NO, ABAQUS/Standard will assume that the initial accelerations for the current step are zero if the current step is the first *DYNAMIC step. If the immediately preceding step was also a *DYNAMIC step, using INITIAL=NO will cause ABAQUS/Standard to use the accelerations from the end of the previous step to continue the new step. This is appropriate only if the loading does not change suddenly at the start of the new step.


Include this parameter to suppress calculation of the half-step residual. This is possible only if fixed time incrementation is used. Normally ABAQUS/Standard calculates the half-step residuals even if fixed time incrementation is used. The NOHAF parameter switches off this calculation and, thus, saves some of the solution cost.

Data line for a transient dynamic analysis: 

First (and only) line:

  1. Suggested time increment. For implicit integration this same time increment will be used throughout the step unless the HAFTOL parameter has been specified. With the SUBSPACE parameter the smaller of this time increment or 80% of , where is the circular frequency of the highest mode included in the dynamic response analysis, is used throughout the step.

  2. Time period of the step.

  3. Minimum time increment allowed. Only useful for automatic time incrementation (that is, if the HAFTOL parameter is included). If a smaller time increment than this value is needed, the analysis is terminated. If this entry is zero, a default value of the smaller of the suggested initial time increment or 10–5 times the total time period is assumed.

  4. Maximum time increment allowed. Only useful for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, the upper limit is the step time.

Defining a dynamic analysis in ABAQUS/Explicit


Required parameter:


Include this parameter to specify explicit time integration.

Optional, mutually exclusive parameters: 


Include this parameter to specify that this step should use a fixed time increment that is specified by the user.


Include this parameter to indicate that variable, automatic time incrementation using the element-by-element stable time increment estimates should be used. This method will generally require more increments and more computational time than the global time estimator.


Include this parameter to specify that this step should use a fixed time increment that will be determined by ABAQUS/Explicit at the beginning of the step using the element-by-element time estimator.

Optional parameters:


Include this parameter to specify that an adiabatic stress analysis is to be performed. This parameter is relevant only for metal plasticity (Inelastic behavior, Section 11.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual). The *INELASTIC HEAT FRACTION and *SPECIFIC HEAT options must be specified in the appropriate material definitions.


Set this parameter equal to the factor that is used to scale the time increment computed by ABAQUS/Explicit. The default scaling factor is 1.0. This parameter can be used to scale the default global time estimate, and it can be used in conjunction with the ELEMENT BY ELEMENT and FIXED TIME INCREMENTATION parameters. It cannot be used in conjunction with the DIRECT USER CONTROL parameter.

Data line for automatic time incrementation (global or ELEMENT BY ELEMENT estimation): 

First (and only) line:

  1. Enter a blank field.

  2. , time period of the step.

  3. Enter a blank field.

  4. , maximum time increment allowed. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.

Data line for fixed time incrementation using DIRECT USER CONTROL

First (and only) line:

  1. , time increment to be used throughout the step.

  2. , time period of the step.

Data line for fixed time incrementation using FIXED TIME INCREMENTATION

First (and only) line:

  1. Enter a blank field.

  2. , time period of the step.